Chapter 43

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March 24

Aria: 1 year 2 months

Heading home after the honeymoon was almost heartbreaking. It was so much fun to just spend an entire week as a family having fun and enjoying some quality time together. 

Coming home we have been thrown back into reality. We are starting to form the plans of the Superfruit tour which is only  two months away. We have the show planned out, and will be performing it for the first time tonight in Japan for Popspring. 

We are currently in Japan in our hotel near the venu, and with the other artists for the concert also here.

We of course took little Miss. Aria with us not wanting to leave her home. The girl isn't even two and already has been to Hawaii, and Japan she will be doing a lot of traveling in her childhood I think.

I have yet to tell Scott, but for the past week I have been a little nauseous and keep having some slight stomach cramps. I have been dismissing it as a Transition, but I am starting to wondering for this is exactly how I had felt when I was first pregnant with Aria.

I lie back on the bed flat on my back pinching my eyes shut as I listen to Scott give Aria a bath listening to her giggles from the cracked bathroom door.

What if I am pregnant again? Are we ready for another baby so soon? Aria isn't even a year old yet. Scott and I have talked of having more children, but not for a couple more years. What if he isn't ready? He wouldn't leave me over another baby would he?

I rub my stomach trying to fight down the nausea tears running down my cheeks as my fears start to take hold of me. 

"Mitch, could you grab me one of Aria's diapers, please?" Scott calls from the bathroom making me get to my feet and head over to the baby bag. 

Scott comes out of the bathroom holding Aria whom is wrapped up in just a towel. I hand him one of the diapers trying to make sure that how I am feeling isn't showing on my face.

"You okay? You look pale? Are you having a Transition?" Scott asks as he lies Aria down on the bed putting the diaper on her bottom as I hand it to him.

"I-I...I don't know," I shrug not meeting his eyes as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

He turns looking at me, and before I know it I'm in his arms sobbing clinging to his shirt as my fears take hold of me making my chest ache.

"What's going on?" he whispers in my ear rubbing my back as my sobs turn into soft hiccups.

We settle down onto the bed with me picking Aria up and cuddling her close in my lap.

"I don't know, I  haven't been feeling all that great since we returned from our honeymoon. A little nauseous, moody, stomach cramps, and headaches. I also just have this feeling that it isn't a Transition," I whisper looking down at Aria as she plays with one of the rings on my finger.

"Isn't like a Transition then what...? Oh...You think you might might be pregnant?" he asks looking me in the eyes his blue eyes wide.

"Y-Yeah, I mean I just have this feeling. I don't know. Please don't be mad. I didn't mean to and I'll attempt an abortion if it help you stay," I find myself breaking down crying again clinging to Aria afraid my new husband may leave me with the new pressures of a second child.

"Whoa, stop right there. If you are pregnant, you are not even thinking about an abortion. Mitch, every abortion ever attempted on a Carrier has ended in the Carrier dying. Don't talk like that. If you are pregnant it will be okay. We don't need to panic yet, we don't even know for sure that you are. No matter what, though, a baby is a blessing Mitchie, and maybe it is a little earlier than what we planned, but it's okay, because we will love the baby no matter what," Scott assures me kissing the top of my head and pulling me easily into his arms holding me while I cry quietly holding Aria still in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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