Chapter 22

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December 25

46 weeks, 10 months. 4th quarter

This Christmas things are a little different. Originally Scott and I had made plans to take a vacation to Iceland, but with me being so heavily pregnant it's just not an option.

We had talked about having a small Pentatonix get together, but everybody is home visiting their families.

We don't really feel like hosting a big party either, and chilling with Scott's mom all day just feels like a damper.

But then Connie suggested something to us one night over dinner a week ago. She said she wanted to make a quick trip home for a week to spend Christmas with her other kids and Rick. She said it would give us one last time to have a Christmas together as a couple before Aria arrived.

This idea was brilliant to both Scott and I.

So, for the first time in what feels like ages we have our house to ourselves again. The Christmas tree is up with the lights casting a warm glow throughout the house, the presents we had just opened are scattered across the floor still for us to put away, and Christmas music is playing softly in the background.

"I thought people weren't supposed to eat cookie dough, because of the raw egg," Scott comments as I steal another piece of our sugar cookie dough from the bowl after having put some of it in the oven to bake.

"Um...Cookie dough is the exception?" I ask sheepishly making him roll his eyes laughing.

"Ugh huh, and it has nothing to do with you being hungry and craving it," he says grinning playfully at me.

"Nope, cookie dough is healthy," I confirm making him laugh at me as I waddle over to him wrapping my arms around his waist as I rest my head against his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart, "Scott, thank you for this. I know you hate doing anything in the kitchen." 

"Hey, it's a tradition you have with your mom to make Christmas cookies, just because she can't do it this year doesn't mean you can't. Plus, this isn't so bad, we're going to get delicious cookies out of this and I got to make them with you," he says making me laugh at the end softly.

"You're a cheesy weirdo. I can't believe I'm dating a weirdo that thinks he can get me with those dorky lines," I tease him making him gasp.

"Are you making fun of me? That deserves punishment," he suddenly attacks my sides tickling me as I wiggle about trying to get free, but between my large belly and being stuck between him it's impossible.

A sharp pain in my lower belly quickly ends my laughter though as I gasp. I clutch my belly wincing as I feel it harden as my muscles tighten.

I take a deep breath rubbing the area lightly as Scott is right there rubbing my back. Slowly the pain lessens allowing me to relax again, but Scott isn't relaxing.

"Was the a Braxton Hick? Do you want to sit down while I finish the cookies?" he asks worriedly.

"Yes it was a Braxton Hick, and I think I will sit down, but just for a moment. I'll help decorate the cookies, but I need to get off my feet," I agree feeling bad that I had to ruin our fun, but I truly feel like I should be sitting down right now.

Scott helps me over to the couch before hurrying back to the kitchen returning with a glass of water for me to sip before heading back to the kitchen.

I settle back into the cushions resting my eyes as I massage my belly lightly making Aria kick out a little in greeting.

"Merry Christmas, to you too Aria," I say softly as I hum along to the Christmas song playing over the stereo. My soft hum calms Aria down a little allowing me to relax some more. I can hear Scott singing along to the song in the kitchen along with the clank of dishes and the sound of the oven buzzer going off.

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