Chapter 30

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June 6th

Aria: 5 months

We have made it home, and are sitting in the living room while Scott talks to two police officers about what happened.

I can hear them talking, but my mind refuses to make sense of their words. Maybe it's the fact that I may be going into shock or maybe I'm having a silent panic attack.

Either way they make no sense.

Aria is on the floor between my legs laid out on her favorite blanket enjoying some tummy time oblivious to what is going on around her or what has just happened.

I watch her do a tiny push up, lifting her head up, so her eyes meet mine. She gives me this tiny smile her brown eyes shining at me as I bend down to give her cheek a kiss making the sweetest giggle escape her lips.

I find tears running down my cheeks at the sound, for the fear of never being able to hear that giggle again was a real one just hours ago.

I know I should be terrified for myself for it was me that was assaulted and almost kidnapped, but right now all I can think of is how he threatened my little girl. He threatened to hurt, to possibly kill her had I not cooperate.

What would have happened if Scott had not found us? What would I have done?

I know the answer.

I would have gone with the bastard. I would have left my daughter in the cart for Scott to find and followed the man out to his parking lot. I would have let him take me to his home, or wherever it would have been. I would have let him rape me, I would have let him do all those horrible things he said he would do to me. I'd let him win.

But at least Aria would have been safe.

"Mr. Hoying, can we examine your Carrier? Just to see if the bastard left any marks," the female police officer asks catching my attention.

I glance up to see that both police officers are looking rather grim while Scott looks torn between crying, and hitting something.

"He has a name, please call him by that. But, yes you have my permission to examine him, if that's okay with you, Mitchie?" Scott asks glancing down at me.

"Sorry, Mr. Hoying, we just never know with some Caregivers. Some Caregivers prefer we don't address their Carrier by name. We didn't mean offense," the female officer, Janet, is quick to assure him.

I get to my feet scooping Aria up into my arms as I do. I let Scott take her before turning to Janet.

"Come on, Mitch. Let's go to the other side of the couch while Scott continues talking to my partner, Gabriel," she says softly gently taking my arm and leading me to the other side of the living room.

I briefly meet Scott's eyes to see that he too is watching me even though Gabriel, the Hispanic middle aged male officer, continues talking to him.

"Scott told us that he saw the suspects hands under your shirt. Do you think you can lift up your shirt for me?" she asks making me nod.

I roll up my shirt to my collar bone exposing my chest and stomach. There are no scary bruises, but you can see where the man had scratched me with his nails when he jerked away when Scott had approached. One of the long marks is even bleeding a little, but the rest are just minor little scratches. 

"Can I take some pictures for evidence?" she asks speaking to both Scott and I as she pulls out her phone.

Both Scott and I give her our consent.

I watch as she takes several pictures from different angles, and zoomed in. Once she is finished she allows me to pull my shirt back down.

"Now I know he groped you from behind, but chances are there are no marks were left behind. All we can hope for is that the store had cameras in the area you were in. For what it's worth Mitch, I'm truly sorry this happened to you, and we will try to catch the guy that did this," she gives me a soft smile squeezing my shoulder lightly before allowing me to plop down onto the couch while she goes back to standing by Scott and Gabriel.

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