Chaptet 28

566 30 2

May 7 

Aria: 4 months

"I don't think I ever want to leave here," I confess to Scott as we lie in bed of our hotel room in Hawaii. The sun rising casting a warm glow into our room as Aria lies in her travel crib still fast asleep.

"Mm...Moving to Hawaii? Right now, the idea of being away from all of our family and friends sounds kind of appealing," Scott jokes as he kisses down along my neck nibbling at my skin playfully.

"Maybe a nice place for a wedding though?" I ask making Scott's eyes go wide.

"Are you serious? Would you like our wedding in Hawaii?" he asks glancing up to focus on my eyes rather than my neck.

"Maybe? I mean we haven't talked about any of our plans for the wedding. I mean am I wearing a dress or a tux? Do we want to marry in Texas, California, Hawaii or somewhere else entirely? Who do we want to invite? What day are we having it?" I list off making him laugh.

"Mm...I guess we should start thinking about some of that, but right now I'm more worried about what we are going to do for the rest of our trip. I mean we have a couple of days, work is over, and we have several days of just pure freedom," he purrs crawling on top of me as he kisses down along my chest nibbling playfully at my sensitive nipples. 

"Scott, Aria is just over there. We can't," I laugh pushing at his bare chest half heartedly.

"She's asleep and is four months. She's not aware of much of anything," he argues as he kisses down to along my stomach and hips.

I can't argue with him there, and the idea of actually having sex with him as the sun rises has my skin tingling in all the right ways.

Having made my decision I pull him down for a kiss my fingers moving along his hair as he fumbles to find the condom and lube before Aria wakes.

15 minutes of bliss, ending with sticky sheets and curled up against Scott with the sounds of the waves hitting the shore outside. We lie there both of us breathless and sweaty enjoying just a few more moments of peace. 

A loud knock on our door, and Aria's cries force us back to reality. 

"You get Aria? I'll get the door?" he offers making me sigh as I fumble to get out of bed untangling myself from the sheets as he too gets up.

"Sounds good to me," I agree as I pull a pair of boxers on before heading over to get Aria.

I pick her up cooing at her softly as I listen to Scott answering the door as I settle Aria down on a blanket on the floor and grab the baby bag so I can change her diaper.

I can hear the all too familiar sound of Kirstie's voice. Normally Scott would have invited her into our room by now, but with things being so strained with her he stays placed in front of the door blocking her from entrance.

A quick glance over my shoulder proves that she is trying to sidestep Scott to sneak into the room.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes as I strip Aria of her Moana pajamas. I quickly change her stinky diaper wrapping it up in a plastic bag to dispose of later before putting her in a clean diaper. With her diaper changed she has stopped crying, and is looking up at me with her wide curious brown eyes. 

"Good morning, sweet girl. Are you ready for some adventures today?" I ask her as I pick her up into my arms, so she's nestled against my chest as I head over to Aria's little purple suitcase and start to dig through it trying to find an outfit for her.

"Scott, good morning! Long time no see!" the sound of Jeremy's voice has chills going down my spine. Something about even the way he speaks has me feeling unsafe. 

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