Chapter 23

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January 24 

49 weeks, 11 months, final quarter

Aria is overdue by twelve days, and I am absolutely miserable. I feel like I have been carrying a giant watermelon under my shirt, my entire body aches, and Aria keeps me up almost all night with her constant kicking.

Connie had to leave last week due to her work having an emergency, and she hasn't been able to make it back since leaving it to just me and Scott. 

Scott and I  have tried everything to try to induce labor, sex, hot foods, walking up and down the stairs, yoga balls, and anything else that Google would suggest, but none of it has worked. 

I am lying down on the couch wrapped up in blankets trying to get a nap, which feels impossible for every hour and a half a contraction hits, it's not super strong, but it's enough to wake me up just when I start to fall asleep. If I can get my contractions to every hour or my water breaks Scott can take me into the clinic, but this all seems to be progressing super slowly seeing as I've been having contractions for over two weeks, but they never reach the point of me being able to go into the clinic.

The idea of a nap is interrupted by the sudden need to pee making me grumble as I try to get myself into a sitting position with my body just not wanting to cooperate. I refuse to call for Scott, for I'm just over having to ask him to help me do everything.

I finally get into a sitting position and am able to push myself up from the couch as I waddle to the downstairs bathroom. I get to the doorway when suddenly a warm wet feeling is running down my leg soaking my leggings.

I freeze trying to process what just happened. I don't need to pee any more, but the wet spot on my pants isn't where it should be for that...Then it hits me. My water broke! My water actually broke!

"SCOTT!!!!" I scream as I move back down the hall wanting to get upstairs to change before heading to the clinic.

I hear the sound of his running footsteps, and suddenly he's in front of me his eyes wide. He freezes taking in my appearance his eyes going wide as he takes in my appearance.

"Did your water break?" he asks no emotion in his voice as his mind tries to process what has happened.

"Yeah, Aria is coming. Scott, our baby girl is coming," I laugh tears in my eyes as he pulls me into his arms kissing me gently as we both cry in relief after feeling like my water would never break for the past two weeks.

"Oh shit, we need to get moving. You probably want to get changed and cleaned up. I'll help you upstairs and real quickly clean up the mess while you get changed," he offers making me nod in agreement.

Slowly he helps me up the stairs with me gripping both him and the railing before waddling into our bedroom to find something comfortable to change into while he disappears back downstairs to clean up the mess where my water had broken.

I grab a fresh pair of underwear along with some new leggings. I start to bend down to get my leggings off when my stomach muscles suddenly cramp up with my stomach going hard as a contraction wracks my body.

I settle onto the edge of the bed taking a deep breath as I breath through the pain. When the pain goes away I glance up at the clock only to see that it's been an hour and ten minutes since my last contraction, they're slowly moving up.

I strip down and waddle into the bathroom where I clean up a little before getting redressed. I keep my sweatshirt on seeing no point in changing that as I make my way back into the bedroom where Scott is already waiting looking nervous, but excited.

"Bag is in the car, and I've called the clinic letting them know we're on our way. They're getting a room set up now," Scott says grabbing my hand as we make our way back down stairs.

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