Chapter 11

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June 1

16 weeks, 3 months 3 weeks, second quarter

Kirstie seems to be back to normal, and did not have to be forced into going to the doctor thankfully, and appears to be okay. She still seems to be avoiding both Esther and I. She also refuses to talk to me about her pregnancy, which she would be at about seven weeks now. I'm disappointed by this, but as long as she is healthy I don't care.

We are now finished with the first leg of the North American tour and are in Europe. We already have been to Ireland, England and France. While in France Jeremey had flown out and proposed to Kirstie. They celebrated the day after before Jeremy had fly back home.

It is now June 1 and we are in Amsterdam. The fact that we are in all of these foreign countries has us all anxious to explore them.  Esther will often let us go as long as we promise to be back before the show that night.

The only thing that is annoying to me is that every time we go out now two security guards accompany me and Scott, or really me. They say it is just to be safe, for being a rare Carrier wondering the streets apparently puts me at risk of kidnap. I don't argue knowing that to a point that they are right, and I would rather play it safe than sorry. It still annoys me none the less.

Scott and I are currently in our hotel room the clock reading eight am and jet lag making it difficult for either of us to fall back asleep. I lie curled up in Scott's arms his hand lovingly rubbing my now very visible baby bump, both of us still riding out the left over joys of a little morning love making. It's one of the perks we have learned of my reaching the second quarter. We spent the first quarter without sex, because of how sick I was feeling, but now that the morning sickness is gone the pregnancy cravings have come into play. There have been far too many times where my sudden eagerness for sex has almost gotten us both into trouble with us sneaking off sometimes backstage, and my sudden rush of hormones sometimes becoming visible at the most inappropriate times. One night while doing a show the sound of Scott's voice had me a little to excited and had it not been for my long shirt and bulging belly everybody would have noticed just how excited I was. I've learned handle it, and I can't really complain. For between the rush of my hormones and my increased sensitivity of everything down there it makes the actual sex amazing.

"We should probably get moving. We both could use a shower, and if we want to see some of Amsterdam before the show we have to get up now," Scott says making me whine as I nuzzle against his bare chest.

"Fine, but we need to order room service before we head out. This baby is hungry, and I can't wait," I agree with a dramatic sigh as I move to sit up with Scott helping me up.

Another perk and con of being out of being in the second quarter is I am ALWAYS hungry. It's like my stomach is some kind of endless black hole. I still am careful to eat healthy, and not a huge amount only taking in a couple hundred extra calories everyday, but it's so annoying. Also, my cravings for some of this foreign food can not be quenched for Stephanie or Kevin are always there reminding me that I'm not supposed to be eating some of the more exotic foods, which is extremely disappointing. I don't argue though, knowing that they are right.

"Alright, I'll order some room service. You go take your shower. I'm also going to text Esther, and Nicole to see if they want to come with us in a little exploration of Amsterdam," Scott says as I get up off the bed moving to dig through my suitcase to find something to wear.

"Okay, see if Avi and Kevin want to come too. Maybe Kirstie will too," I suggest as I settle with a simple flannel and a pair of jeans that have the stupid stretching band on them seeing as I can't fit into any other jeans any more.

"I'll text them, but I doubt Kirstie will. You know how she is lately," Scott grumbles feeing a little bitter about Kirstie pulling away from Esther and me. Kirstie's avoidance of Esther and I has become so noticeable that everybody has picked up on it. Which has stirred up the rumor mill. Some are saying it's because she's jealous of how close Esther and I have gotten. Others are saying that she's jealous of my pregnancy. All of which are wrong, or at least I think. In truth I'm not even sure why my best friend has suddenly pulled away from me other than the fact that she started acting like this after she looked ill that day.

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