Chapter 38

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November 23

Aria: 10 months

The first couple of weeks after the trials has been hell.

The media and the fans went crazy when it came out that I was raped that horrible night. I have been asked for interviews followed by paparazzi asking how I'm coping, and horrible questions like if I had enjoyed it. It's sickening.

The fans have been supportive, and many of them sharing with me their own sexual assault stories. They help some letting me know that I'm not the only one, but it just keeps renewing the pain as well. I spent so many nights sobbing in Scott's arms in our bed or just sitting with Aria in her nursery rocking her gently to sleep clinging to her like she is a life line.

We have also decided to go on with our Christmas tour as planned. We have recruited a new member, Matt Sallee. He has been a perfect fit and gets along with everybody. He is even great with Aria. We all already just adore him and can't imagine him not being a part of pour family. I know it is early, and we still haven't announced it, but I think he will be a permanent member of the Pentatonix family.

Kirstie has been...interesting. We get along, the one show we have done since her return went on fine. Things are still tense though. Scott will not leave me or Aria alone with her and there is still this tension in the air that is just painful.

That is why we made sure that for Thanksgiving we head home to Arlington to just be away from it all.

That also meant avoiding the stress of having to handle my mom with her brain trauma which sounds horrible, but with my stress levels everywhere I just can't handle it right now not to mention how I'm not sure I'm comfortable with having around Aria around her.

So, we have headed to Scott's parents' house who have been more than happy to have us here.

We are in Scott's old bedroom, which brings back so many memories. Aria's travel pen is set up which she sleeps in each night for the past week.

Today is Thanksgiving which will bring all of Scott's family over to the house, my parents, Kirstie, and her mom. I am more than a little nervous with me fearing my mom will have another outburst and fearing the tension that will come with having Kirstie here.

Scott and I lie in his bed curled up under the covers with him having his face buried in his pillow as he lies on his belly. I am curled up under one of his arms which he keeps around me bringing me in close to his side as I nuzzle his side with my nose making him groan.

"Mm... your nose is cold," he whines turning his face out of his pillow as he looks at me his eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Sorry, I just want love, and you'd rather love your pillow," I put jokingly making him roll his eyes before attacking me with tickles making me squeal as I try to get away.

My squeal and his makes a cry fill the room making us both stop.

"Ugh...It's still too early, sweet girl. Just another hour, please. Go back to sleep," I beg our daughter who ignores me as she continues to cry, and even pushes herself up into a sitting position all by herself as her big brown eyes look around the room in confusion her bottom lip trembling.

I get out of bed picking her up out of the play pen giving her a big kiss in good morning.

"How are you today? Did you sleep well?" I ask her even though she can't understand me. She stops crying reaching up at me to touch my face her bottom lip still trembling.

"Am, Am," she chants making grabby hands at me.

"Are you hungry, sweetie? Do you want yum yum? I ask her rubbing her back as Scott gets up pulling a t-shirt on.

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