Chapter 19

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September 24

29 weeks, 7 months 1 week, third quarter

"Mitch? Mitch, wake up. Your phone is ringing, it's your dad," the sound of Avi's voice has me groaning as he nudges me awake from my pre show nap making me groan rubbing my eyes. I glance up at him to see that he is holding out my phone giving me a sympathetic smile.

I glance at the time on my clock as I accept it with it reading 6:15 meaning I only had about an hour and a half to get ready for the show at eight so, it really was time for me to wake up anyway.

I put my phone to my ear as I carefully move into a sitting position.

"Hey dad, everything okay. It's a little early for you to be calling me right now isn't it? It has to be like five am there," I greet him half joking, but truly worried to why he would be calling me right now. Normally he'd wait and text me before calling to make sure that it is an okay time, and there are no new text messages on my phone.

"I-I....I wish I was just calling to see how tour is or to ask how the you and the baby are doing," he says his voice cracking with emotion.

"Dad, why are you calling? What's going on?" I ask tears starting to fill my eyes as my mind starts to come up with some rational reason to why he may be calling with so much emotion in is voice.

"Something happened with your mom and Jessa," he replies making my heart sink.

I try to wrack my brain for what could have happened. I remember Jessa talking to me earlier yesterday about how her and mom had plans to take the kids out the fair and for dinner. They were going to make it into a little grandma and mom night. 

"Did something happen when they went out with the kids?" I ask my chest tightening for then more than likely the kids were involved in whatever happened as well.

"Oh God Mitch, they were on their way home. Your mom was driving, the kids were in their car seats in the backseat, and Jessa was in the passenger side. Kaden had just fallen asleep, poor little guy was tired after the afternoon at the fair. The radio was playing a Pentatonix CD, they could still hear it when...It was about nine, they had been coming home past the new Meijer that was put up, when your mother swerved for some reason into the other lane. The evening rush hour was just beginning the streets were busy...They were hit by a truck on the passenger side, they figure it was going  at least 75 when it hit them. Your mom's car rolled," he explains making my breath catch my throat.

"Dad, are they okay?" I ask feeling like time has stopped and that everything depends on what my dad is about to say next.

"...No...Your sister died on impact or shortly after. All we know right now is that she wasn't breathing when first responders arrived to the scene. S-Sarah, was in critical condition, they called in air med, but she died on the way to the hospital," his voice is trembling so bad I know he is trying to hold in his emotions, trying to hold it together for me.

His words make me feel like I had just had the breath knocked out of me as images of my sweet little ten year old niece flash through my mind. Images of her when she was baby, when I first got to hold her, when I was there when she took her first steps, how she had made brownies with me, when I attended her pre-school graduation and how she had so eagerly introduced me to her friends as her Uncle Mitch that sings REALLY pretty. I remember how even when I wasn't getting along with Jessa, she would send me coloring book pictures she had colored, and drawings telling me that she still loved me even if her momma was mad at me. I remember talking to her on the phone for over an hour about our favorite Disney characters, and when I was home she always insisted I sing a Disney song for her with her always joining in dancing around the living room, and in the end insisting that I will the first gay Disney prince. 

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