Chapter 27

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April 12

Aria: 3 months

Everything is heavy. 

My body feels as though it weighs a thousand pounds. My body trembles with shivers from fever. I can hear Scott outside the bedroom talking softly as he paces the length of the hallway with Aria screaming in his arms.

My stomach aches with cramps from the Transition that has been wracking my body now for over eight days leaving me to curl into myself a little in hopes of suppressing the pain.

I ache to be up to comfort Aria and soothe away Scott's stress with gentle kisses or a massage, yet my body refuses to allow me to move. The act of even lifting my head feels like too much work. 

Coughs start to shake my body awaking a horrible amount of pain in my body. My stomach feels like I am being stabbed repeatedly in the belly. The pain goes through my stomach, and back. 

The sound of my coughing seems to have caught Scott's attention for the door is opening, and he enters with his phone pinched between his chin and shoulder, while Aria still rests in his arms sobbing.

"No, hold on. I think Mitch is getting sick again. I might have to call you back...Yes if you could please, it would mean the world. I know it's late, Avi. I just really need some help..." Scott says into the phone as he somehow manages to swipe up a bucket for me to throw up into while still balancing the phone and Aria.

I watch him settle Aria down into her cradle before coming back over to my side. He helps me gently into a sitting position, letting me lean into him for support as I throw up into the bucket coughing up what little I had managed to get down earlier.

Scott holds me rubbing my back while he continues to talk with Avi.

I finish and try to get up to clean up the bucket, but I am quickly stopped. Scott snatches up the bucket himself while lowering me back into the pillows.

"Scott, I wanna help..." I whine looking up at him as he goes to the bathroom emptying the bucket seeming to ignore my plea.

I glance over at Aria whom has quieted down to soft whimpers, her bottle lip trembling at she looks between the bars of her crib at me.

"I know angel, I miss you too," I tell her aching to just hold her in my arms again.

Scott reappears with the newly cleaned bucket, while still on the phone.

"No, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me, Avi. Yeah, if you could get Esther to come too that would be great. I could use all the help I can get," Scott says his voice cracking with emotion as he ends the phone call.

As he comes into my line of sight I see that there are tears in his blue eyes. His hair is a mess, there are stains on his t-shirt, and I'm pretty sure he has been wearing the same outfit for over three days.

"Is Avi and Es coming?" I ask making him smile softly as he settles down on the bed beside me stroking my hair gently.

"Yeah, they're coming to help out. I'm a little overwhelmed with everything. Between you being sick, and Aria being fussy I've had my hands a little full. How are you feeling now, babe? Any better?" he asks trying to quickly wipe away his tears, so I don't see, but he should know by now he can't hide anything from me anymore.

"I'm sorry," I reply, my mind unable to form any other response with it feeling so sluggish.

"Not your fault. Give it a couple more days, and the worse of this will be over. Now how are you feeling? I should take your temperature again," he mumbles as he searches through the mess on the nightstand for said device.

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