Chapter 25

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February 26

Aria: One Month

Having Aria home for the past month has been both amazing, and incredibly stressful. Having her here has completely changed my and Scott's lives. We no longer get to sleep through the night, not that I did much of that in the later months of my pregnancy anyway, and have to take turns getting up about every three hours to feed, give attention to or change Aria. We tried the first couple of nights with Aria in her nursery, but it was just an epic fail with her not being able to sleep through the night. So, she has her little bassinet in our room for now.

So, far I have been in the clear of having a Transition yet, but Scott and I are both waiting for it to hit. We have chosen to stay mostly at home, and have laid off working for now. Scott and I did attend the Grammy's though over a week ago, which was not all that enjoyable to me. Being away from Aria for the first time had my anxiety all over the place, even though she was safely at home with her Aunt Esther. It seemed like every time somebody that wasn't Scott touched me I felt like throwing up, or just fleeing the scene entirely. Not to mention my post baby body had me feeling super gross. Not even Rihanna's complimenting my singing could make me feel better. 

I currently lie on my back with Aria lying against my bare chest after her morning feeding while I softly play music in the background. I can hear the sound of Scott in the shower singing along to the radio as it plays Lady Gaga's song "Million Reasons". The sound of her daddy's voice has my baby girl smiling as she makes a soft gurgling song.

"Aw, do you like daddy's singing, sweet girl?" I ask her as I pick her up carefully bracing her head as I hold her up in front of my face, so she can see me.

I start to sing along harmonizing my voice with Scott's even though he is in the bathroom. As soon as I start to sing Aria's smile grows her whole face lighting up. 

Half way through the song Scott exists the bathroom still singing along to the song when he comes over to watch Aria's face as she listening to her Ama and Daddy sing. I watch Scott's face light up at the sight of our baby girl smiling so brightly, the way his eyes shine as he watches her has me grinning.

The song slowly ends with Scott and I ending on a soft note together. 

"Do you like my and Ama's singing? Huh baby girl?" Scott asks as he takes Aria from my hands into his own kissing her cheek lightly making her scrunch up her nose adorably as she touches his cheek cooing.

While he plays with her I get up slipping into the bathroom to quickly get ready for the day even though we don't have much on our schedule for the day. We do have plans for Avi, Kirstie, Ben and Kevin to come over so we can finish ironing out the details of PTX Volume IV. Ben says the editing has been completed on the songs we have chosen leaving us with just finalizing the list.

I dress in a simple pair of skinny jeans and a loose button down blouse that comes down to mid-thigh. I have been keeping everything loose around my belly not wanting anybody to see how nasty it still looks from having Aria, having even Scott see it has me feeling embarrassed, even though he assures me I'm gorges. 

I finish up and head out to the kitchen where I find Scott preparing breakfast while Aria swings in her swing watching the small toys that are hanging over her. I give Scott a quick kiss in greeting as I make the coffee.

"Alright, the others aren't supposed to be here until about eleven giving us a couple of hours. Do you want to try tidying up the house?" he asks as he settles down with me at the table with our meal of eggs, and hashbrowns. 

I glance around to find that there are dishes piled up by the sink, Starbucks cups lying around everywhere, dirty laundry in the living room, and empty bottles on the counters. 

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