Chapter 34

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Aria: seven months

August 14th

6: 26 pm

The TV is on playing softly in the background, Kevin is snoring loudly on the couch in the corner of the room, Avi is listening to the TV while slowly falling asleep, and beside me Scott holds me against him his fingertips gently grazing along my hip bone as I nurse Aria after eating my dinner of a simple broth and crackers, which so far I have kept down. 

Ever since entering my room Scott has refused to leave my side, the only time he even allows it is to be helped to the bathroom. Avi and Kevin also don't seem that comfortable in leaving the room insisting instead on staying near by leaving only for necessities. 

We have heard nothing from Angelica on how Kirstie is doing, nor any updates on Austin. I have not seen my phone since the night of the shooting meaning I have no idea what the fans or news are saying. I have not had the heart to ask for my phone for it is just another thing to add to my stress. 

"Avi, turn the TV up!" Scott orders startling our bass from his doze, and startling me enough to jolt causing Aria's lips to move making her start to cry at the loss of her dinner. 

"Sorry, Mitchie, I didn't mean to scare you," Scott apologizes with a soft whisper in my ear as I calm Aria down with gentle back rubs and cooing.

I kiss his cheek assuring him that I forgive him as we turn our attention to the TV.

"During the Iowa State Fair there was a shooting shortly before the concert of Pentatonix, a world famous a Capella group. There has been no reports of concert goers injured, and the opening act, Us the Duo, as issued a statement that they are both okay despite the shooting reportedly taking place backstage. The police has issued a statement saying that there are a six dead, and ten injured. Pentatonix has yet to issue a statement, but their tour manager Esther Koop is now ready to do just that," a newscaster says as the TV screen changes to show Esther standing in front of a microphone with about half a dozen police officers behind her. Press is visibly all around her as their cameras focus on her and microphones are held out.

"I am Esther Koop, the tour manager for Pentatonix. I am here on behalf of the band and crew. On August 13th, while preparing for a show backstage a gunman entered the backstage area. He took the lives of four of our crew, and two of the security members of the venue. He injured seven of our crew as well, and three of the members of Pentatonix..." Esther's voice cracks at this point, and tears are starting to visibly fill her eyes, "Only three of the families that have lost their loved ones in this shooting have permitted the release of their loved ones names, and they are Ashley Leon, J-Jacob Court, and N-Nicole Faulkner. Um...The crew that were injured are choosing to keep their names private right now, but I can assure you that none of them are in critical condition any longer as of an hour ago. One of the band members that was injured was K-Kirstin Maldonado, whom is in critical condition right now. Her family is asking for privacy and your prayers....Scott Hoying was also injured. He is in stable condition and has been reunited with his family, but is still receiving medical treatment. Mitch Grassi was also injured and is listed as being in fair condition. At this time I am not going into detail of their injuries. I can confirm though that Scott and Mitch's seven month old daughter, A-Aria, is unharmed....At this time we are asking for privacy, your prayers and love. Thank you," Esther ends tears are falling down her cheeks, and she is visibly trembling, yet the press pushes with questions.

"Who was the shooter?"

"Was this a hate crime?" 

"Was this an attempted kidnapping of the Carrier?"

"How did the shooter get past security?"

This makes Esther snap.

"The shooter's name should not fucking matter, he was a piece of shit that got off on hurting other people. You will not give him fame for that. Why do you automatically assume it was a hate crime, because two of those that were injured are gay, because we are an openly diverse group? Also, how do you think the shooter got past security? Maybe possibly with his assault rife?!" she snaps as tears run down her cheeks rapidly, and you can see just how pale and tired she is. 

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