Chapter 35

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September 1st

Aria: eight months

I never thought that the sight of a home would move me to tears, yet here I am sitting in the car in the driveway of my home back in LA with tears running down my cheeks, yet a smile on my lips.

To be returning here, to see the familiar place makes me realize just how close I was to never seeing it again, or worse to be returning here alone. 

Scott's fingers are entangled with mine, and I can see that his own tears are misting his eyes as he squeezes my fingers tightly.

"We're home," he whispers turning to look down at me as I press a gentle a kiss to his lips making him smile that smile that seems so rare anymore.

"Do you hear that, Aria? We're home baby girl," I tell my daughter whom is looking up at us curiously.

"Am-ma?" she asks holding her little hands out for me making me unbuckle her from her car seat and take her into my lap while still being cautious of my sensitive stomach.

"Yes, sweetie, Ama is here," I assure her kissing her cheek lightly as she wiggles in my lap.

It was while we were in the hospital that she had first said that word. It was when I had left the room momentarily for a quick shower with the help of a nurse, and the moment I did she starts crying and repeating Am-ma. It didn't take long for us to figure out it was me she was referring to for the the moment I had returned to the room and she was in my arms she quieted down. Though she now knows what noise to make to get my attention.

It was later that very same day she said Da-da. I will never forget the joy on Scott's face for it seemed like the first time in far too long that he really smiled.

"Alright, how do we want to work this? Mitch, do you want to try using your crutches or do you want one of us to help you inside with the wheelchair?" Avi asks from the driver's seat as he turns to look at us in the backseat.

"Last time I tried to use my crutches I fell, so I think I'm going to need Kevin," I admit even though it shames me. It sucks to have to rely on others to get around, but my muscles are still weak, and with my right leg in a cast walking around even slowly isn't an option. Even wheeling myself in the wheelchair takes too much energy half of the time.

"Alright, then I'll get Scott. You get Mitch," Esther suggests to her brother making Avi nod in agreement.

"I don't need help," Scott whines as the Kaplan's get out of the car ignoring him.

Scott hates asking for help, and we all have quickly learned that. He may not need so much help getting inside, but Esther will be sure he doesn't strain himself by trying to carry anything, especially if that thing is Aria. Scott still isn't supposed to be lifting anything heavier than Aria, whom he shouldn't be lifting at all with one of his arms still in a sling, and his chest still super sensitive. 

Avi goes to the trunk grabbing my wheelchair before coming over to my side and opening the door.

"Alright, pass Aria over to Scott for a moment," Avi orders making me place Aria in Scott' waiting arm. Her little brown eyes go wide when she realizes that she is no longer in my lap with her bottom lip trembling as she threatens to break into sobs.

"Hey it's okay, Aria. Daddy's got you, and Ama is right there. It's okay," Scott soothes her bouncing his knee a little as he tries to get to calm down.

I brace myself on Avi's shoulder as I carefully get out of the car using him as a crutch while trying to keep the weight off of my bad leg. My muscles tremble weakly, yet with Avi's help I am carefully settled into the wheelchair without any mishaps.

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