Chapter 16

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July 24

24 weeks pregnant, 5 months one week, 2nd quarter 

Three weeks since A Capella academy and there is no sign of my allergic reaction. It cleared up within two days just as Kevin had promised. We never told the campers that I had an allergic reaction to the flowers they brought in, instead they were just told I had a touch of the flu, and to not bring anymore of the flowers into the buildings. I know some had speculated, but they are respected my privacy. When the final day came hugs were exchanged along with many thank yous and tears. Yet, this year instead of feeling saddened to leave the camp I was actually a little relieved after spending two days sick in bed, and still not feeling great for the rest of camp.

Now today is what would be my 24th birthday, if I hadn't stopped aging, but upon everybody's insistence I'm still celebrating it. Normally I would be planning a big celebration with alcohol, maybe a tattoo artist, and tons of close friends, yet this year it won't be happening. I can't drink alcohol any more, and getting a tattoo while pregnant is kind of frown upon. Not to mention I have started to get some back pains, and my feet are starting to swell making me in a not so party mood, especially if I can't drink.

So, instead Scott has taken me out for the day to some of my favorite places in LA. We began the day with some Starbucks, with me drinking tea, have gone to my favorite art museum, and are now currently at the mall.

We wander through the stores hand in hand spending money on anything that catches our eye. I have already bought several large sweaters that will still fit perfectly as my belly grows, and Scott has purchased several new shirts, and a pair of shoes. I refuse to purchase any new shoes until after the pregnancy with my feet so swollen, and truly I can't even really see my feet anymore with my belly in my way, so I won't even be able to appreciate my new shoes.

Two bodyguards follow behind us discreetly always keeping an eye out and making sure I don't wander off on my own, or let go of my boyfriend' hand, or whatever the reason is they keep watching me or warning me to stay by Scott when I take two steps away to look at a different rack of clothes.

Scott suddenly comes to a stop in front of the arcade that is filled with teenagers, kids, and even come college age kids. He gives me a bright, pleading smile making me roll my eyes, but smile.

"You are such a child," I laugh letting him drag me into the store as he hands off our bags to one of our bodyguards. 

He quickly purchases 20 dollars worth of tokens before leading the way in. He comes to a pause in front of a racing game that he quickly starts to play earning us plenty of tickets before offering me a chance to play, I turn him down reminding him of how horrible at the racing games I am before turning my attention to a cartoon shooting game. 

The sight of a dance game catches my attention, but a quick glance down at my belly and knowing how clumsy I am I know that it isn't happening. Rubbing the side of my belly lightly I move onto the air hockey table glancing at Scott excitedly. I've always kicked his butt in this game.

"You only want to play this game, because you think you're going to beat me," he laughs as he inserts several tokens into the table anyway.

"Think? Hunty, I know," I tell him giving him a playful wink as I grab my slidey thing. He starts the puck over by him before letting it loose onto the table.

The game is rather intense, and I do almost lose with me not being used to having my belly in the way, but I do conquer in the end, but only by two points. 

We move onto a drum game that Scott is pretty great at. I stand by laughing as he beats the little plastic drums recording him to be posed on Instagram later. 

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