Chapter 41

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February 20
Aria: 1 year and 1 month

This can't be happening. Today is supposed to be magical and one of the best days of my life. Yet, I am doubled over in front of the toilet throwing up with horrible cramps wracking my body on my wedding day.

"I got the medications. Anti-nausea, and pain medications," Esther enters the bathroom clutching the pill bottles in her hands dressed in her groom's maid gown. It is a beautiful dress that is a deep blue going with my and Scott's colors of deep blue and silver.

"Please, tell me Scott doesn't know that my Transition has hit," I plead accepting the medications from Esther and a glass of water from Kirstie.

"Bad news, honey. Tyler got word and out of worry told Scott. Scott wants to come over and make sure that you're okay," Candice tells me making me groan.

"Curse Oakley, and his worry. Scott can't come over here. I don't want him to see me until I walk down the aisle. I'll be fine. It'll pass," I assure them.

My group of groom's maids include Kirstie, Esther, Lindsey, Lauren and Candice. I stopped at that not really wanting anyone else.

Scott's groom's men are Tyler Oakley, Kevin, Avi, and his friends Mason and Mark.
I get up off the floor careful to not ruin my dress. Yes, I decided to wear a dress in typical Mitch Grassi style. I am wearing a cream colored dress that hugs my form, it has no back on it and is rather simple with a little lace in the front. Scott doesn't even know that I am wearing a dress instead of a suit. I'm so excited for him to see.

I move over to the sinks washing my face and brushing my teeth again while making sure that I don't get any on my dress.

I make sure my hair is okay, and that my skin doesn't look too clammy.

"Please, tell me I look okay," I beg the girls.

"You look beautiful as always, Mitch. Are you sure you feel up to this, though? One word and the entire thing can be postponed," Lindsey suggests worried about me as she brushes aside some of my hair in a motherly way.

"No, I've waited 16 years for this day. I'm not letting my RTD or anything else ruin it. I'll be okay,"  I assure them  picking Aria up off the floor from where she sits playing with blocks.

It ends the debate, but I can see that they're all worried still.

Aria is dressed in a cute little dress that is mostly blue with silver straps and a silver headband. She is adorable with her blonde hair now dancing along her shoulders in soft baby curls.

"Am,"she whispers resting her head on my chest, which has now thankfully returned to normal with me no longer producing milk.

"Aria,"I whisper back kissing her cheek making her giggle happily.

Esther will carry her down the aisle just before I walk down it so little Aria can throw down flowers. It will be messy and not at all organized, but Scott and I couldn't think of a better baby for the job.

"Alright, it's time. Are you ready?" my dad asks entering the bathroom a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

"Beyond ready," I agree taking a deep breath as I hold my stomach.

The girls head out first with me giving Aria a kiss goodbye as I hand her over to her god mother.

I link arms with my dad and watch as the girls go down the aisle.

First, is Lindsey with Mark, then Lauren with Mason.

As each girl disappears beyond the doors my heart rate picks up a little more.

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