Chapter 14

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June 28

20 weeks, four months two weeks, second quarter 

The European leg of the tour has ended. It was great, but I am happy to see it end for any Pentatonix show without one of the members isn't truly a Pentatonix show.

We have just arrived back in Amsterdam to surprise Kirstie. We have arrived at the hotel that her, Jeremy and her mom are staying at. The four of us move through the hallways searching for room 3005. We find it after Scott got us turned around twice much to everybody's amusement.

When we reach their door Scott knocks on the door waiting for a response. It doesn't take long for the door to open with Kirstie standing there her hair pulled into a messy bun and wearing sweats.

At the sight of us her face lights up. She immediately pulls Scott into a hug before hugging Kevin and Avi as well. She then turns her attention to me. She gives me the warmest hug, our hug lasting longer than the others. She clings to me careful to not hug me too tightly in fear of squishing my belly.

Eventually we release each other stepping aside to let us in. Her mom and Jeremy both stand to greet us with more hugs being exchanged before we all settle around the room.

Scott and I sit on the couch, Kirstie and Jeremy are on the bed, her mom is sitting in the arm chair, Kevin sits in the other arm chair and Avi is resting leaned up against one if the walls.

Scott lazily wraps an arm around my waist his hand resting easily on the side of my belly where I have felt most of the baby's movements today, anxious to feel the very first kick ever since I first started feeling the baby's movements.

"Alright, I'm going to ask the question you've probably been asked a million times over the last couple of weeks, but how are you?" Scott asks.

"I'm sore, I'm just starting to really get around again. The incision is healing nicely, but I think I'm going to have a scar. I'm feeling really homesick just wanting to be home with my dogs, but the doctor won't approve me going home until at least the 13th of July. Sorry about not being able to make A capella academy, Avi," Kirstie apologizes looking up to meet Avi's steady gaze.

"Kirstie, none of us are worried about about you not making it to the camp this year. Everybody already knows you're feeling unwell,and the rest of the staff has only wanted to offer their support. There is no need to apologize," Avi assures her giving her the smile that I swear he only reserves for her.

A sudden little movement from inside me catches my attention for it feels stronger than any movement I've felt before.

"Oh my God..." Scott whispers his jaw literally dropped and eyes wide as he presses down lightly on my stomach making the baby move again. This makes Scott let out the brightest laugh.

"You felt that?" I ask in awe of someone else being able to feel the baby move.

"Wait, is the baby kicking?" Kirstie asks excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, it's the first time anybody, but me has been able to feel it. Come feel," I say excitedly shooing Scott's hand away as Kirstie comes over. She slowly kneels down in front of me cautious of her incision as she rests her hand against the area where Scott's hand had been.

It doesn't take long for the baby to kick out in greeting. A small gasp escapes Kirstie as she grins, but silent tears fall down her cheeks.

"That's incredible. What does it feel like?" She asks looking up at me with watery eyes.

"Like little flutters right now," I reply as she quietly cries continuing to feel the baby move about. The room stays silent as Kirstie just continues to run her hands over my bump encouraging my baby to kick out at her.

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