Chapter 37

568 23 12

October 20

Aria: 9 months

Today is a chaotic day. We have so many stressful things planned it makes my head spin.

Today is the day of Jeremy's verdict. We thankfully  have not had to testify at all in the two weeks that the trial has gone on, but we all have chosen to be there wanting to watch as the jury orders for him to be placed behind bars for life. 

Not only is today Jeremy's court date, but our families are all going to be in town to see us and watch the verdict be delivered.  Including my father whom is still undecided about having me return to Texas or allowing me to stay here in LA and allow me to continue career, and stay with Scott.

We will also be seeing Kirstie face to face for the first time since that night. She is also on trial with it being put into question just how much she knew, and rather she is victim or a criminal.

Her trail has been going on right alongside Jeremy's with her verdict coming as well today. The media has been covering both trials like crazy with much debate around it all. They were not allowed in the room when they talked about when Jeremy had entered the room I was in to protect the fact that I was raped from the media, but everything else was covered. There has been speculation, and conspiracies. The fact that the public doesn't know what all happened that night when he attacked me has added fuel to the fire. There have been so many guesses to what happened, and why it was decided to keep that from the public. Even Shane Dawson has done several conspiracies on what happened that night.

The world knows what his intent was that night, and I have gotten a lot of reactions. Some saying it was my fault that if I stayed in the closet about me being a Carrier none of this would have happened, while others feel bad for me, and voice more so in how Carriers are often victims to far too many things like this.

The fan base is torn when it comes to Kirstie with some blaming her, and even creating social media accounts that hate on her for helping Jeremy, and not coming forward sooner. There are others that see her as a hero for without her we would not have had the heads up on Jeremy forming the plans. Others just see her as a broken victim. A woman that was suffering from a miscarriage and had her mental illness used against her by someone she trusted. The way they talk about her sometime in the media leaves me feeling sick. 

Today will also be the first day I see Jeremy in person since that night, I won't be close to him, but I will be in the same room as him. This has my anxiety all over the place. 

Sitting on the bathroom floor curled up in a ball as my stomach gurgles angrily with nausea like there is a small storm brewing inside me I can hear the sounds of Scott, and Avi outside talking in low whispers about the trial and what to do about my dad when he arrives.

I try to focus on their voices, but I am so dizzy my mind won't focus on anything. A strong horrible cramp from my stomach has me groaning in misery as I curl further into myself sobbing from the pain.

Naturally on a day like this my RTD decides to go insane leaving me feeling horribly sick.

The sound of the door opening has me glancing up from my knees to watch as Scott walks in.

"Still feeling sick?" he asks softly as he wets a washcloth with cool water before sitting down beside me wiping down my sweat soaked neck.

"I feel like shit," I grumble as I rest my head on his shoulder his familiar touch helping lesson the pain. 

"Maybe you should stay home today. I mean you can still watch it on...." he starts to say, but I cut him off. 

"No this is my last chance to be able to face him after what he did to me. I need to look him in the eye again to show he has no power over me. I need to show him that I am strong, that I am not his victim, but a survivor. Please, I need to do this, Scott," I beg him making him sigh.

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