Chapter 15

910 34 17

July 8

21 weeks pregnant, 4 months 3 weeks, 2nd quarter

AN: Okay, I have no idea how A Capella Academy is run. I do believe that the only PTX member that is there the entire time is Avi, but for the sake of the story they will all be there for the week of the camp. The only knowledge I have of the Academy is from research I have done, so I apologize now for any inaccuracies.

After almost a week break we are back to our busy schedule, only instead of working Pentatonix or Superfruit we are at A Cappella Academy, the a cappella camp that Avi helped found three years ago. The camp focuses on helping high school youth develop their vocal scales, and has Avi beyond excited each year with it being one of his dreams. We have all been instructors at the camp since the beginning, and doing a performance at some point each week.

The sounds of someone singing rather loudly from in the hallway has me groaning as I lie in bed with Scott with a pillow pulled over my head praying that they'll just shut up. Just  because the campers have to get up before eight in the morning doesn't mean the instructors have to, right? 

 "I just want to sleep in," I whine burying my face into the mattress as I pull my pillow closer to my head hoping that whoever was chosen for wakeup call will just shut up already.

"Come on we need to get breakfast, and you know if we don't get up Kevin is going to come in here wanting to know if you're okay," Scott reminds me making groan, but my stomach letting out a low growl forces me to choose between food,and sleep. With food winning only by a little.

I push myself up stretching my arms above my head cracking my back, and stretching my aching muscles. I slide the pillow I have nestled between my thighs aside, having taken Dr. Moore's advice in putting a pillow between my legs when I sleep to help with hip pain and amazingly it has helped. I should get around to buying a body pillow, but Scott and I haven't had the chance to run to the store yet, so a simple pillow works for now.

I stand up wandering over to the bathroom that is connected to Avi, and Kevin's room as well. I knock lightly on the door before stepping in when I get no response. I quickly use the bathroom, which I have to now do sitting down, because it is getting hard to see around my swollen tummy. 

I quickly finish up in the bathroom before heading back out into the bedroom searching through my suitcase looking for something to wear. I settle on a pair of lightweight black skinny jeans, but I can't seem to find any shirt I feel like wearing. Scott disappears into the bathroom closing the door behind him giving me the chance to go through his suitcase. 

I dig through it looking for something with long sleeves seeing as I am always cold. I find his #Flawless flannel hugging it close to me before putting his suitcase back in it's spot. I pull his shirt on over my head not bothering with the unbuttoning and buttoning. Even with my belly the shirt is super baggy covering my hands, and coming down to my knees. It slips off of my shoulder a little, which I quickly straighten before going over to the mirror in our room to put on some make-up and do my hair. 

Once satisfied I settle back onto the bed to wait for Scott. I run my hand lightly over my tummy smiling when I feel my little girl kicks me in greeting.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart. You doing okay in there?" I ask just as my belly growls again making me laugh, "I know I'm hungry too. Maybe we can find us some peanut butter for breakfast," I say bringing up the thing i have been craving all week. I literally have been putting it on everything from gram crackers, cheese, apples and to bananas. Everybody finds it to be the most amusing this, especially Scott for peanut butter has always been one of his all time favorite foods, and the fact that I'm craving it while pregnant with his baby amuses him to no end.

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