Chapter 17

844 32 14

July 24

24 weeks pregnant, 5 months one week, 2nd quarter

The car ride home is rather quiet after the mall. Scott lets Leon drive while he and I sit in the backseat his seatbelt unbuckled, so he can curl up beside me with me leaving mine on. 

We're both shaken from the man's words, tears running down my cheeks and Scott literally still shaking with rage. Both our hands are entangled a top of my belly where our little girl has thankfully calmed down.

The idea of someone literally thinking that, because of the way I was born that I deserve to be put down in the backyard like some mutated dog leaves me feeling sick. I have always known that there are those out there that believe Carriers to be unnatural, and wish to have us exterminated like some pest, but I never dreamed I would meet one. Let alone meet one in a baby store. 

I wonder if maybe none of it would have happened had I not showed so much PDA while comforting Scott, or maybe I should have wore a baggier shirt to better conceal my swollen belly. Maybe the guy was right though, maybe I should just be locked away like the freak I am. 

"I know what you're thinking, honey, and you're wrong. Do not take what that sick man said to you to heart, don't replay it over and over, you'll only torture yourself with his lies. Do not let his words force you back down into that dark hole, not after accomplishing so much. That bastard was just a scared uneducated bastard. If he knew anything about Carriers he would realize just how beautiful and precious you are. Being a Carrier, I know is tough, but remember what you told Liam in the arcade, it's worth it. I mean look at us, Mitchie. We're happily together again, you're healthy, and your tummy is swollen with our baby. Without you being a Carrier we wouldn't be having a daughter right now, and may not have gotten together. Look at Liam, I mean  you gave him courage today, you inspired him by being a Carrier and proud of it. Don't let that sick bastard ruin that. You are beautiful just the way you are, you're my angel," Scott says cupping my cheek gently as he wipes away my tears kissing my forehead.

"You're right, it was one jerk with his bigot family. Being a Carrier has had it's difficulties, but I'm proud to call myself one," I agree not wanting that bastard to ruin how far I've come, because he doesn't understand something outside of his narrow little world.

I glance up at Scott to see he has relaxed some, but there is still that burning anger in his eyes. I can see it in the way he clenches his jaw, and how he refuses to let me go. What that bastard said has turned on his fierce protectiveness of me and the baby. For today his family was threatened in front of him.

"Scotty, you need to let it go too. He didn't hurt me physically, and I'm okay emotionally now too. You were so worried in the store that you wouldn't be a good daddy, but you literally just threw everything aside to protect our family today. You protected the baby, like any good daddy would do," I assure him rubbing his back as he takes a deep breath tears forming in my eyes.

"It just infuriates me to think that there are people out there that would love to hurt you, and our baby. My family, and world. You don't understand how important you are to me, Mitch, and to hear somebody talk about k-killing you, because you're you leaves me feeling sick with this...anger. How can somebody not see how beautiful and special you are?" he asks looking at me with genuine confusion in my eyes making my heart twist. 

"Other people aren't you," I whisper wanting to cry again as Scott just shakes his head.

"It's not just me. Everybody that meets you and has a heart sees how wonderful you are. So many people would have done the same thing today that I had done. I mean could you imagine Avi or Esther? Or even Austin or Toddrick?" he asks making me shake my head cheeks flushed red at the idea of others standing up for me, "You know that's what possibly breaks my heart the most about you, I can tell you all night about how wonderful you are and how so many people admire you, but in the end the most important person will never see it. You never will. You'll play back everything tonight, but the words you'll play back when you're feeling bad are not mine right now, but his," Scott whispers that heartbroken look returning to his face as he cups my cheek.

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