Chapter 33

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August 14th, 2017

12:32 am

Aria: 7 months

There is nothing peaceful about waking up.

The pain in my body is extensive.

 Everything aches

Feels heavy...

The only comforts are the hand that clutches mine so tightly, and Kevin's soft voice as he speaks.

I give his hand a squeezing wanting to assure him that I'm awake, that I'm here.

He stops reading, the quiet making me aware of the heart monitors and sounds of nursing staff in the distance.

"Mitch?" the hope in his voice is raw. He squeezes my hand tightly asking for me to respond.

"Kevy?" I ask using the playful nickname I had given him, but there is no more playfulness. 

My voice is raw, there is pain there, heavy even to my ears. The panic, and fear that lies there as well as everything flashes back to me hits.

I was drugged, rapped, and assaulted.

Nicole is dead.

Austin is hurt...

Kirstie...Kirstie was shot, she took a bullet for...

Scott, oh God Scott! 

He was shot in front of me, he was bleeding so much. 

The image of Scott soaked in blood with Avi sitting there beside him holding him his own clothes soaked in blood hits me hard.

Did I lose him?

Have I lost one of the most important things in my life?

Then, the other hits.


My sweet little girl. 

"Aria....Aria....W-Where's Aria..." my breath is coming quick as I fall into a panic attack my chest tightening, and vision blurred as I open my eyes trying to focus on something.

I move to sit up only to have sharp horrible pain shoot through my stomach, head, back, and leg.

This only adds to my panic. 

"Mitch, calm down. It's okay, Aria is here. She's right here in the room. She doesn't have a scratch on her. She's okay. You're okay, I'm right here. You're safe now. It's all going to be okay," Kevin tries to assure me as he eases me back into the pillows.

"I-I want to..." I try to get the words out trying to make my tongue function, but I can't finish my sentence with my breath coming so quick making me feel light headed.

Kevin doesn't need me to finish my sentence though.

He stands for a moment hurrying over to the other side of the room, where he bends down picking up Aria from where she had been resting in a crib.

She whimpers from being disturbed, but as he lowers her gently into my arms she goes quiet.

Holding her in my arms I relax a little. Part of my family is safe. My baby is okay.

I cradle her close to me kissing the top of her head gently just as a female nurse and a male doctor enter the room. 

They don't fight to take Aria from me instead they let me cradle her as the work. 

They place an oxygen mask over my face, check my temperature, and move to check my right leg which I now see is heavily bandaged. 

"Mitch, I'm Dr. Mason. I'm the Carrier Specialist treating you. I know you don't want to let go of your daughter, but we need to check on your tummy. Can we lie her beside you maybe? Just for a moment?" he asks nicely his kind green eyes shinning down at me from behind his glasses, and his ginger hair that has a tinge of grey to it making him look almost fatherly.

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