Chapter 24

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January 25
Aria: five hours old

Aria hasn't even been in the world for a day yet and already she is winning the hearts of everybody that has the chance to hold her. Our close family and friends have been notified of her arrival with several pictures of her being sent out and we will post her picture on social media later tonight.

I am settled back in bed after taking a quick shower with Scott's help. Aria is settled in my arms nursing for the first time as she softly sucks on my nipple, which I admit is a very strange feeling.

"Have you two decide on who the godparents will be?" Esther asks making Scott and I glance at each other smiling softly.

"Yes, we would like to ask you Esther to be her godmother, and Avi to be her godfather. I know it is untraditional to ask siblings, but you guys are who we want. Esther, you're our tour mom, you take care of us, and make sure we don't get into trouble. You've there for Mitch and I through all of the rough spots of the pregnancy,and you were here for her birth. We can't imagine a better female role model for our daughter than you. Avi, you're our big brother, and have been there to offer guidance some like bass singing Yoda. You have helped both Mitch and I through some rather rough spots. You also have a cool beard, and what girl doesn't want a godfather with a cool beard?" Scott says making everybody laugh.

"Oh I can't wait to spoil the little munchkin. Thank you so much you guys for me making me her godfather," Esther thanks us her tears misty with tears as she gets up to hug Scott, and kiss my cheek careful to not disturb Aria.

"Godfather? Guys, I don't know what to say. I'm so incredibly honored. Thank you, so much," Avi voice is filled with emotion and tears are running down his cheeks.

"Aw come here you big cuddly bear," I joke giving him a kiss on the cheek and a one armed hug, "I hope you're not offended Kevin that we didn't pick you."

"Nah, I'm just thrilled that she is going to know me by Uncle Kevin," he assures me a big smile on his face.

Aria finishes drinking allowing me to turn her to my shoulder to burp her. Once I get her settled again I fix my gown pulling it back over my shoulder just as the door opens.

Kirstie enters with a bouquet of flowers, a gift bag and a balloon. She places each item carefully on the counter before awkwardly standing there in front of my bed looking uncertain of what to do.

"Nice of you to finally show up, it's only been over twelve hours since the original text was sent out," Scott says attitude in his voice as he glares at Kirsite.

"I'm sorry, I should have texted you guys. I just got caught up doing somethings," she says keeping it brief. Looking in her hazel eyes I can see the pain, and sadness she is so carefully trying to hide. The twinkle her in her eyes are gone, and there are bags that weigh them down. Something is wrong.

"Why don't you guys go get lunch or something? I want to talk to Kirstie, allow us a little girl time," I suggest.

"Nope, not happening. You need a Caregiver in the room at all times," Scott says settling back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at the girl that had once been one of his best friends.

"Fine, Esther can stay. You three head out. Maybe go home and take a shower," I suggest making Scott grumble, and even Avi doesn't look thrilled at the idea of leaving, but Kevin drags me out of the room promising to be back before three as he closes the door.

"Alright, what's going on Kirstie? Something is wrong, this isn't you. You wouldn't miss Aria's birth. Does this have to do with the cervical pregnancy you had?" I ask motioning for her to come sit beside me on the bed.

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