Chapter 21

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November 16

40 weeks, 9 months, third quarter

I just want to to note here that the weeks progressed don't match up with the previous date in the last chapter, but that is because I messed up somewhere along the line with the dates. From the original date he would be 40 weeks on this date. I'm not sure where it got messed up, and I don't feel like changing it for it will probably mess up a lot. So, sorry for the opps, but this is now back on track. Anyway to the story.

Scott and I sit in the car both of us unmoving as we stare at the Carrier Clinic before us. Neither one of us make a move to get out and head in for my appointment too nervous to face what this appointment will entail. 

"We're making a bigger deal out of this than what is. I mean we're just going to be planning for the birth with Dr. Moore and finally get the due date. It's not that scary, I mean we've known that we'll have to start planning for the birth, we know that Aria will be here anytime after this point," I babble as I try to give him and me the courage to get out of the car.

"Yeah, but with if she says your due date is next month? Are we ready to have a baby next month? Are you ready to face giving birth? I mean you're going to be pushing our daughter out of you! I don't know if I'm ready to face that! What if I faint at the sight of all that blood? I'm not even sure if I can handle seeing you in that amount of pain!" Scott snaps looking ready to have a complete mental breakdown.

"Scott, I'm freaking out too. I mean I'm going to  be pushing our baby out of my body. I'm terrified to. I don't know if I can handle the pain of labor, I'm scared Aria won't love me, or that I'll hurt her. I'm scared Dr. Moore will tell me that I'm not due for another four months, which I'm not sure I can handle that long of a pregnancy," I share with him my own insecurities.

"Aria is going to love you. You're already, so great with her. You talk with her, read to her and sing to her all the time. You're going to be a great Ama. I know you can handle the pain too, because you're such a such a strong person, and I'll be there by your side no matter what. If the pregnancy does last another four months we'll get through that too, together," he promises leaning over to give me a soft kiss our foreheads resting together as we just take a moment to both calm down, and gather strength from each other.

"Do you wanna head in?" I ask turning back to look at the entrance of the building.

"Yup, but don't you dare even attempt to move. I'll come over and help you out," he orders before getting out of the car.

I argue with him already knowing that me trying to get out of the car by myself is more of a joke than a reality at this point.

Scott opens the door for me, and grabs my hands as I slowly standing up with one of his hands quickly releasing mine to rest on my back to keep me steady. I quickly stretch a little in hopes of working out some of the kinks in my back, but like usual it doesn't help.

I link hands with Scott and together we walk into the clinic. I settle into one of the chairs while Scott signs me in. Glancing around the room I note that there are only two other Carriers waiting to get in to see Dr. Moore.

One that looks to be about my age has his head bowed. The man beside him has his arm wrapped around him possessively. The Carrier has his arms wrapped around his bulging belly. He glances up meeting my eyes, the fear in those eyes have my heart lurching. I want to stand up and tell the guy that seems to be treating him more like a pet than a human to fuck off, but one thing I have learned is to stay out of other Carrier's business especially when it comes to their Caregivers. For some Caregivers are mean, possessive and aren't afraid to hurt anybody that dares get in the way of what they see as theirs.

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