Chapter 18

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September 17

28 weeks , seven months, third quarter 

"We need to do something for Scott for his birthday," I announce from where I am lying out on the bed on my side with Kirstie, Avi, Kevin, and Esther all in the room while Scott is out doing something with Mario. 

"Like what? We're on tour in Singapore, and you're supposed to be taking it easy in between shows. No extra activities," Kevin reminds me as I rub my very swollen seven month belly in thought.

"Yeah, but we can't just not celebrate his birthday. I mean there has to be something that we can do," I argue not wanting to have my boyfriend's birthday just go by when we had a party for mine.

"It's already noon, we have to be at the stadium by two. What exactly can we pull together in two hours. Understand I'm not disagreeing with you, Mitch, I just struggle to see how it can be done," Kevin continues on making me want to chuck a pillow at his head.

"Hey we have three women in this room that have pulled together things in less time. Never doubt them," Avi speaks up glancing up from whatever game he is playing on the phone to give me an encouraging smile.

"Thank you, Avi! See he doesn't doubt us,"  I stick my tongue out at Kevin making him roll his eyes, but smile softly as he shakes his head.

"I think we can pull something together, it won't be anything crazy, but we'll do it. I think we have time to run to the market, hopefully we can find a cake or something sweet, along with a couple of gifts," Esther agrees already on her feet ready to take off.

"Great I'm going with you," I reply eagerly as I carefully move myself into a sitting position using the mattress for some help.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean you're seven months pregnant with a rather big belly, and you're supposed to be taking it easy with your diagnoses of Accentus," Kevin protests as Kirstie helps me up off the bed.

"Kevin, stop being my over protective big brother for ten seconds. I'm going to a market with two mother hens, and a couple of security guards. I'll be fine," I argue as I straighten my clothes out.

"Hey I'm going with you too. I want to see what Singapore is like, and I need to watch over my baby brother," Avi says teasingly as he wraps an arm around my waist as I playfully glare at him.

"Great, Kevin can stay here, and keep Scott busy. We'll meet you at the stadium," I announce happily, "But before we go I need to use the bathroom. This baby is eager to her's Ama's bladder."

As quickly as I can I scurry off to the bathroom while everybody else just chuckles finding my bladder being beaten hilarious. As quickly as I can I use the bathroom, which I always have to do now sitting down, because of how obnoxiously large my belly is.

Once finished with that I pause to watch my hands and to do a once over in the mirror to make sure I don't look like I've just got done taking a nap, which I did. 

I pull my shirt up a little to examine my belly like I always do after the after using the bathroom. The stretched skin shows off my stretched skin with all the lovely stretch marks that I have gained. I move my hand down along the stretched skin making my baby kick out and my skin stretch as her foot moves against my skin.

"Hello sweetie," I give my belly another rub before pulling my shirt back down over my belly straightening it in hopes of concealing it a little better in hopes of not drawing attention, but my bump is at a point that no large sweater is going to do any good in concealing it.

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