Chapter 39

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December 12

Aria: 11 months

Our Christmas tour, a tour full of Santa Claus, cheery Christmas music, and just the holiday cheer. Along with it is the first tour without Avi, and the first tour with Matt.

Matt is proving to be more and more amazing. Fans adore him, and so does Aria.

Aria is sitting on the floor with Matt playing with her blocks and her Uncle Matty.

The sight brings such a warmth in my heart that it makes me feel a true giddiness.

Scott comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me allowing me to lean back into him.

"I think it's official, don't you? He's a part of the family. After this tour I think we should announce it," Scott says kissing the side of my head making me grin.

"Agreed. I mean if Aria likes him he can't be that bad," I joke grinning as Aria is tossed up in the air by Matt making her squeals fill the air.

"I just got the last RSVP from Connor. Everyone we invited are coming to the wedding," Scott whispers in my ear bringing up the guest list of over 200 that we had made and sent out all the invitations last month. The guest list includes some of our more A-list friends such as Kelly Clarkson, the Queer Eye guys, some of our old friends from home, our friends from LA, and of course our family.

Scott and I have the wedding décor settled, the venue, outfits, and the music. All that is left is the menu. It is crazy to think that in two months I'll be married to my best friend.

"I can't wait," I admit kissing his cheek.

"Alright, we better get ready while Aria is distracted," he reminds me guiding me back to our dressing room.

In our dressing room we both quickly strip down changing into our show outfits.

"Have you thought about us having another baby someday?" Scott asks me making me almost stumble face first into the floor while trying to pull my shoes on.

"I mean yeah, not till later though. Like when Aria is at least three. I also want our lives to calm down a little you know with the Superfruit tour coming up in the spring, then the Pentatonix tour in the summer, then probably another Christmas tour with the rate we're going, not to mention we have the original Pentatonix album in the works, and another Superfruit album I mean our life is kind of crazy right now for two kids, Scott," I reply straightening up as I settle back down onto the couch.

"I know it was just a thought. I mean not for another couple of years like you said, but I just wanted to make sure you wanted them to," Scott replies with a shrug looking sheepish.

"I know your dream of three kids," I joke ushering him over to give him another kiss.

"With you not being able to have birth control, and neither of us aging now something tells me we'll be having more than three kids in our lives," Scott replies settling down on the couch with me pulling me into his arms rubbing my belly making me sigh in content with my stomach having been cramping up for most of the day.

"Oh my God, Scott!" I sit up right turning to look at him my eyes widening.

"What? What's wrong?" Scott asks looking frantic now.

"Jeremy. He had sex with me. He has stopped aging now too. He won't die in prison of natural causes, he can't. He also only has one life sentence, what happens when that life sentence is up, like he lives a full typical life cycle and they let him out?" I ask my stomach twisting with pain as I realize that there may be a day that my rapist will be free.

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