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Lin's POV
"Yikes." Is all I have to say.

"Lin, we have to help her." Pippa tells me. "She can't have a fucking kid because of him. And she wouldn't say anything else about it the whole night."

"We didn't look too much into her before hiring her. She had a great voice and is one amazing dancer. I knew something was up, though."

"Why would a nineteen year old live alone in New York and audition before thinking about school?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised."

"I mean a smart girl like her." I stand up from the chair in my dressing room and walk to the door and back. "She would go to school. But she can't."

"I really don't like this. Is she even healthy to perform?"

"Lin, you can't think of telling Tommy to take her out."

"I'm not. It's what she loves to do and tickets are selling fine so I have the room to be concerned about her well being." There's a knock on the door. I open it to see Andrew and Kelsey.

"Hi, Kelsey, come in." She glances at Pippa and steps in. "Thanks Andrew." He nods and heads down the hall. I shut the door and turn to her. "Kelsey, do you need money?"

"What? No. Shit, am I being fired?"

"No. No. And that's not my direct authority, anyways. I'm not your boss, I'm your friend and I'm concerned." I put my hand on her shoulder. She's tense under it.

"I don't need money. I have this now." I give her a small smile.

"I'm sorry about-" my words frift off.

"It's fine. I'm fine." She trips over her words. "I've gotta go."
Kelseys POV
"Eat the head first. Otherwise it's just cruel. Like, imagine you couldn't move and you've been stuck in some cardboard box most of you life but when someone is finally gonna kill you, they bite off your leg first and blood spews everywhere. Oh, but it's not over. You have four limbs. If you aren't luck enough to bleed to death then, you still have to wait for the rest of you to be smushed to pieces. So eat the goddamn animal cracker in a humane way." I finish. Sydney puts it down.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

"So, she has very strong opinions in this area." Sasha says. We sit at the table in the green room where Sydney has been eating animal crackers.

"Well I have to agree. And all the ones you don't eat, they'll be stuck in a dark box for eternity." Betsy says.

"Dramatic much?" I ask. She glares at me and we start laughing. "But seriously. At least do this." I lift it up and break the head off.

"Oh, wait, the blood." Betsy grabs a ketchup packet and puts some between the body and head. Andrew reaches across and grabs the head.

"Yuck. Bad mix."

"I just wanted to eat my animal crackers." Sydney says. "Last time I do that."

"Awe. It looks so sad. Like, his head is half a foot away from his body and half eaten." I say.

"Let's have a funeral." Says Sasha. I grab a napkin and clean off the ketchup before wrapping both parts of the cracker in a fresh napkin, neatly. Betsy tapes it shut.

"Where do we bury it?" I ask.

"Don't forget the funeral. "

"Oh, I've got this. Wait, was it catholic?"

"Um, sure."

"I'm not going to tell you not to cry or not to experience emotions. "

"Oh my god." Sydney says.

"Emotions are God given. They are a part of who we are. Let us go in peace to live out the word of God. Let us commend animal cracker to the mercy of God." He dumps out the remanding three crackers and gives me the box. I close the box and toss it into the trash. "We therefore commit animal crackers body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life." They stare in shock.

"I helped out at my church when I was little, don't judge." I say, knowing that they are wondering why I know all that. Sydney picks up an animal cracker and bites his leg.

"No!" We all yell. He drops it and throws his hands up, standing before walking out of the room. I reach over and break his head off.

"So he won't slowly bleed to death." I say, quietly. Betsy picks up the ketchup and Andrew grabs it.

"I will not let it go to waste."

"I don't know what I've been watching." I turn my head to see Lin in the other doorway, looking confused as hell. But he shrugs and walks through the room and out the other door. Andrew takes the other two crackers aways from us. I open my notes back up.
Now i have to edit it all...
But still!
Also, it has a lot of parts😬

But still! Also, it has a lot of parts😬Also

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AHHHH! This is amazing!

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