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"What do you want at six in the morning, Lin?"

"It's seven here."

"Well it's not here." I hang up and let my phone fall beside me. It buzzes again. "Fine, I'm up. What do you want?" I say, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"A few things."

"Make it quick. I have to get ready for a class soon."

"Okay. Um, Two sprains in one week."

"Shit. Who was it?"

"Swing and new ensemble member. She'll be back in two weeks and the other one is at the doctor."

"I hope it's not too bad. What were they doing?"

"Dancing. Neither during the show, though. Carleigh wants me to tell you to answer her texts."

"I didn't see them."

"They were about Jackson."

"Moving on."

"Seb misses you. I'll send a picture he drew of you next time I have something to send."

"You send too much."

"I sent books and your pictures."

"Thanks again for that. That envelope will remained closed for a long time so don't ask." I say, knowing he is about to. "I can't wait to see Sebs drawing though."

"You wanna send him a drawing back?"

"I'd love to. Just please make sure that he doesn't tear it up."

"Alright. Next thing, you're exam?"

"Pretty good. I'm not too worried."

"Oh, so you're flipping out."

"I'm drinking less coffee and it's starting to get to me."

"Alex told me about that."

"Did he mention the cream and sugar."

"He mentioned that you don't use it."

"Curse you, Amber. And I occasionally do. My turn?"


"How's Seb?"

"Drew on the wall and banged on the pianos."

"Was there a pattern?"


"He'll get it. Any funny stories?"

"Thanyne dancing to a chorus line."

"Any video?"

"I'll send it. And I'll tell you more stories later."

"Yay. Okay, um, I got a bookshelf. Gotta put the books on it."

"You should do that."

"I should. How's the cast?"

"Good. Missing you."

"I miss you guys too. Excited about the Tony's?"

"Stoked. Don't comment on the lack of modern use of that word."

"Actually, It was used the most in two thousand ten than it ever had been."

"Really? So it's new."

"Actually, it existed in the seventh century but it was like never used."

"Why do you know so much about this?"

"You sent me a copy of The use of individual english words over the last three hundred years."

"You read it."

"I thought it would bore me and I could fall asleep. Maybe it was just the caffeine in me but I stayed up reading it for three hours. I've moved onto Jane Austen."

"Haven't you already read like everything by her."

"No. How's Moana?"

"Still coming."

"Any faster or slower?"

"About the same."

"Any new projects?"

"None that you don't know about."

"Yay, I know things. I'm special."

"You're such a kid."

"Okay, Mr.Thripp. I have to go. Tell me how the interview goes."

"I will right away. Actually, I have a meeting and then the show."

"Call me tomorrow."

"Alright. Bye, bean."

"Bye, Thripp."
"That was amazing." The brunette next to me says.

"Thanks but no. You're amazing."

"Thanks. And you're clearly a tapper."

"Actually, I don't like it all that much. Contemporary is my forte."

"Jazz is mine. I'm Niki. Nice to meet you." She says, leaning against the barre.

"I'm Kelsey. Nice to meet you too."

"So what do you do for work?"

"Uh, I'm an actor and I'm learning accounting, well, bookkeeping, I guess. Similar. What about you?"

"I'm a dance teacher at my moms studio and I sing in a show down the road."

"Oh, really."

"What are you in?"

"Uh, private bank theater. I haven't started shows yet because I last performed the show a few months ago and have to rehearse."

"You're in Hamilton?"

"So you know the theater."

"I'm seeing the show next month. I brought the ticket long ago. My wallet didn't love it but clearly, it has great dancers."

"Oh, thanks. Maybe I should come to one of your shows."

"That'd be great. They aren't long. Do you wanna get some coffee after class?"

"Sure. But I've had two cups this morning and I might need to cut myself off for the day." She laughs and we make our way back to the center for the combination.

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