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I came back from my date with Woody, and I had a really great time with him tonight he gave me a quick peck on the lips and we both got out of the car as everyone was in the living room playing some more video games I swear that's all they do all day and it was going on 12 at night.

"Well look who decided to show up." Luke said.

"Hey Luke, hey guys!" I said.

"Wassup Lauren!" The boys said.

"How was ya date?" Luke asked.

"It was great I had a really good time with Woody tonight." I said with a smile causing woody to blush as he sat down.

"I'm about to go for a night swim, Algee you wanna join me?" I asked.

"Yeah." Algee said.

So he got up to follow me upstairs as we both went into different rooms so we can change.

"So how was ya date with Woody?" Algee asked.

"It was great, I had a good time until I saw my ex." I said.

"Damn you okay?" Algee asked being cornered.

"Yeah, he was just being a jerk as usual but woody was going to fight him but I don't told me he wasn't worth it so we left." I told him.

"What did he do to you while you guys where dating?" Algee asked.

"Well he was always forceful on me, and pushy. He would say things to make me feel insecure about myself, he will joke around... alot, and I told him that I like to write my own books he told me that its childish and he was gon tell the whole school if I didn't have sex with him." I told him.

"I am sorry about that Lauren, I know it must've been hard for you." Algee said.

"Yeah it was, he wasn't like this at first. We were dating on the low, no one didn't know about us dating because he wanted to keep under wraps." I said.

"A guy not showing off his girl is not a real man at all, if you was with me I would be showing ya ass off." Algee said making me blush.

"You always say the nicest things Algee." I said with a smile.

"I am a nice, sweet, and caring person I got that from my mama." Algee said.

"Well she raised you right." I said causing him to smile.

"Did you ever tell Luke about it?" Algee asked.

"No." I said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because Luke and I don't get along at all. You see how we act in front of you guys." I stated.

"He's still ya brother, he would've understand. Shit he would've beat his ass for doing what he did to you." Algee said.

"And you know that he loves you." He added.

"How do you know that?" I questioned.

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