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Thanks for giving me 1k reads in 3 days I really do appreciate that, I am glad that you guys are enjoying this book like I am. One thing I want to say, I am not perfect so sometimes ima have missed up grammar and typos.. I just don't want to keep on seeing it in my comments like if that all you gon do is that then stop because its really annoying! I don't like saying this but I have to put it at there okay. Enjoy this chapter that you guys about to read.



I got back from my date with Yazz as we both walked in it was real quiet, I know they all didn't leave yet?

"Damn its quiet in here." Yazz said.

"I know!" I said walking in the living room.

All the boys were in the living room just watching a movie, but I felt like something happened before we came in.

"Hey you guys!" I said.

"Hey L, how was ya date?" Elijah asked.

"It was fun, I got yazz turning soft." I said nudging Yazz.

"That is rare!" Keith said causing everyone to laugh.

"So did something happen while we was gone?" Yazz asked sitting on the couch.

The only two that wasn't talking was Algee, and Woody.

"Nah!" Luke said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything is cool we just watching this movie." Luke said.

"Alright!" I said.

"Well ima take a shower but then be back down here." I added.

"Need me to join?" Yazz asked with a smirk.

"Uhm no." I said as I scoffed and then laugh at the end.

I started to walk upstairs, and heading into my room I cut on my light when I saw Anthony laying on my bed causing me to jump.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see you love." Anthony said.

"We are not together anymore, so please stop what you're doing." I said stepping away.

"I miss you Lauren." Anthony said grabbing my hands as I moved them away.

"I don't miss you." I said.

"Come on stop fronting." Anthony said pulling me close to his body.

I was trying to get out of grip but he wasn't trying to listen so I started to scream.

"LUKE! LUKE, HELP ME!" I screamed as he covered my mouth.

He slapped my face so hard making me fall onto the ground, as he went towards the door and locked it. I was holding onto my face as he started to walk towards me dragging me like a doll causing me to scream in pain. He punched me a few times as I tasted blood inside my mouth, I was in so much pain as I heard Luke banging on the door trying to get in.

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