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Glad that this is my last year of high school cause I am kinda sick of it to be honest. Me and the bros all have the same classes expect for 2, I have 2 classes with Lauren which I didn't mind. Its just weird us not being together but I will respect her wishes though I mean we still are friends so that is a good start. I was walking with Luke and the bros as we was heading to the cafeteria to have lunch, we all got our food and then headed to our usual table where we sit at everyday as I saw Lauren doing some homework while eating her lunch as the same time.

"Hey guys!" Lauren said.

"Sup mamas!" Woody said.

"wassup Lauren!" I said with a smile.

everyone else said there hello's as we all sat down.

"What class is that?" I asked.

"Math!" Lauren said.

"I hate math so much." She added.

"You know what ya doing?" Luke asked.

"Yeah I understand what I'm doing, I just hate it." Lauren said as everyone laugh.

"I feel you." Yazz said.

"Already getting homework is bad as it is and we just came back man." Yazz said.

"Tell me about it." Lauren said.

"Ouch!" She added.

"You okay?" Keith asked as he came over to here causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah I am fine." Lauren said.

"You sure?" Keith asked.

"Yeah I am fine, thanks for asking." Lauren said with a smile.

"No problem." Keith said with a smile.

"Aye can I see ya math homework?" Elijah asked.

"Why?" Lauren asked.

"Cause I don't feel like doing it.. its easier just to copy!" Elijah said making her laugh.

"I guess you can look at it." Lauren said.

"After that I want to see it too." Yazz said.

"And me!" Luke said.

"Damn yall lazy!" I said making them laugh.

"Nigga you just bugging man, I know you was finna ask her too!" Yazz said.

"Nah, I don't need to copy her homework cause I already know what I'm doing." I said.

"Well shit let me see yours then." Yazz said making me laugh.

"Yall crazy!" Keith said.

"I am all done, please give it back after school alright!" Lauren said giving to Elijah.

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