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Setting: 2 weeks later...


Keith took me to my doctor's apportionment for a check on me and the baby.

"You still having morning sickness?" Doctor asked.

"Yes!" I said making the doctor laugh.

"Trust me, this is only phrase 1 during your pregnancy Lauren! But the baby is doing okay I see that blood pressure is a little too high, I need to you keep an eye on that during your pregnancy also." Doctor said as I nodded.

Keith wasn't saying much which caused me to worry a lil bit.

"You okay Keith?" I questioned.

"Yeah... I am good Lauren." Keith said as he didn't give me no eye contact.

"I am going to refill your vitamins and I will see you in 2 months!" Doctor said.

"Okay, thank you so much!" I said.

After that we left the doctor's office we decided to go and get something to eat because the baby and I were hungry (Laughs).

"So you gon tell me what's wrong?" I questioned.

"Just thinking." Keith said.

"Thinking about what?" I asked.

"Algee?" I added.

"Keith, just let him have his space alright... There's nothing we can do right now the only thing we can do is give him space and if he wants to speak to us then he will." I told him.

"I been trying to talk too him but he will give me the cold shoulder." I said.

"This is all my fucking fault that he hates me now." Keith said.

"Keith... What we did was a mistake, and we can't take back... we could've stopped our actions but we didn't, and we have to face the concussions for the rest of our lives." I said.

"What is happening right now... Is fucking real, sometimes I think that I am having a dream that I can't wake up from." I added.

"But at the same time its a gift from god that I can have... its a gift and a curse really." I said.

"I am sorry Lauren, I should've stopped." Keith said.

"Its okay Keith." I told him as I hold him hand.

I pecked his lips a few times causing a smile to form on his face.

I pecked his lips a few times causing a smile to form on his face

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"Now I see the smile that I adore so much." I said making him laugh.

"Thanks for doing that." Keith said.

"No problem." I said with a smile as he pecked my lips.

"So how is the writing thing going?" Keith asked.

"Its going really great! I got 10k reads!" I told him.

"Damn that's wassup, and you posted that book awhile ago?" Keith questioned.

"Yeah I know right, I wouldn't think my 1st book will get that many reads that quickly." I told him.

"Well I am proud of you, and I know you will win the wattys." Keith said.

"Thanks Keith." I said as I smiled.


"Wassup bro!" Yazz said.

"Sup!" I said.

"You need me to hold ya lunch in the line bro?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah, me being cripple ain't helping... the struggle is real!" I said as they laughed.

"Glad you good bro." Woody said.

"Yeah blessed to be alive to be honest with yall." I said.

"Can I get an Amen?" Luke asked.

"AMEN!" Everyone said as we all laughed.

I notice that I didn't see Lauren or Keith.

"Keith took Lauren to her doctor apportionment today." Luke told me.

"I ain't worrying about them." I said.

"Yeah... Okay Al!" Luke said.

So Elijah came with me in the lunch line to hold my lunch which was nice for him to do.

"So are you okay... like forreal?" Elijah questioned.

"Yes I am okay Elijah!" I said.

"We all know that ya lying bro." Elijah said as I laughed.

"I am a lil hurt that is about it... but hey life must go on man... That's all Ima say!" I told him.

Just a lil sum sum


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