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I told my parents they Keith's parents wanted to meet me but since I knew that I couldn't go over there house Keith told me to tell them to have my parents over for dinner with Keith's family and they agreed and wanted to do the dinner over our house. I told Keith about it and his parents wanted to have the dinner the tomorrow night, and its now the dinner and I am getting nervous. And for support Luke is going to be there which was nice, Keith told me that his brother and sisters were coming along causing me to get even more nervous as I was anyways.

My mom was cooking the food as everyone was getting ready for this dinner which starts in an hour. I heard a light knock on the door as whoever it was coming inside my bedroom and it was Luke.

"You almost done getting ready?" Luke questioned.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Mom wants us to set up the table." Luke said.

"Okay, I will be right down then." I told him.

"Aight... You look lovely tonight." Luke said making me smile.

"Thank you, and you look good tonight yourself bro." I said making him smile.

"Thanks." Luke said closing my door.

I grabbed my phone and then I headed downstairs to help Luke with the table. We finished the table being set as my phone went off letting me know someone was calling me as it was Keith.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I was letting you know that we outside." Keith told me.

"Okay, I will let my parents know that you guys are here." I said.

"Aight, see you in a sec." Keith said.

"Okay." I said as I ended the call.

I told my mom and dad that they were outside as they all made there way towards the front door. I became very nervous as I opened the door seeing his beautiful family as they all walked in.

"Hello, you must be Lauren?" His mother questioned.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you Mrs. Powers!" Lauren as I greeted her with a smile as I shook her hand.

"Hello Lauren its finally nice to put the name to the face, you are very pretty." His father told me.

"Thank you, and its nice to meet you too Mr. Powers!" I said shaking his hand.

His Brother Kevin, and sister Kaylan greeted me and Skylar gave me a huge hug. Luke Already knew Keith's family as I saw Keith and he was looking nice.

"Hey Lauren, you look nice tonight." Keith said giving me a hug.

"Hey, and thanks you look nice too." I said giving him a hug back as he gave me a kiss on my head.

"I see you showing a lil bit." Keith said with a smile.

"Yeah." I said as I smiled causing me to rub my stomach.

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