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A/N: I am going to start doing this, its alot more easier for me to remember what month and time frame in this book. Letting you know, I don't even know how many month Lauren is in this book like I really don't so if it don't sound right then just go with the flow because I am.

Setting: 2 months later in the month of November, Lauren is 4 months in her pregnancy.


I was typing a new chapter for the book that I was doing that I enter into the wattys, I see everyday my readers telling everyone to read my books on other social media using the #TheWattys hashtags I smile every time I see it and how they give me so much feedback on the book makes me the happiest girl in the world. The deadline is ending real soon and for my book as well I am typing 3 more chapters and then my 1st book will end which is pretty cool. I started to rub my stomach because the baby starting to kick now, its hella weird but nice to experience.

"Aye L!" Luke said.

"Yeah!" I said while I kept on typing on my laptop.

"Algee is downstairs and want to speak to ya." Luke said.

"Oh... Forreal?" I questioned as I stopped typing.

"Yeah." Luke said.

I saved what I had typed and when downstairs to speak with Algee.

I walked down the stairs when I saw Algee sitting on the couch watching something on TV, he turned around when he saw me as he got up and walked towards me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, can we talk for a minute?" Algee questioned.

"Sure, we can talk outside by the pool." I said.

We were outside on the patio as he walked to talk too me which I was surprised.

"You probably wondering why I am here? And why I want to speak to ya?" Algee started off as I nodded.

"I woke up this morning, and I told myself that I need to speak with you and Keith... I haven't spoke to you guys since the accident." He added.

"I was hurt that you gon tell me that you didn't want to go back with me, but then you was going to go with Keith.. I was confused about it like why would she do that to me?" Algee questioned.

"Algee." I said.

"Nah, you have to hear this." Algee said.

"After the accident I just needed time to think, I needed space from you guys. As I was thinking for all them 4 months, I realized that I need to move on and just be the best friend that I can be for you and Keith. If Keith is the one that makes you happy then I can't change that, I can only be happy for the both of you guys. I see how the way you look at him that the love you have is real with me, I remember that look you gave me." Algee said as he smile.

"I am sorry Algee." I told him.

"For everything." I added.

"I know... I know I just want this situation between the 3 of us is done for." Algee said.

"Yes I want us to be friends again." I said making him smile.

"Did you speak with Keith?" I questioned.

"Yeah I did before I came here, so we cool." Algee said.

The only thing that I can do is give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Glad to have you back in my life and Keith's life!" I said.

I should've added this part into the last chapter but I thought I wasn't gon type anything else lol, so this is another lil sum sum plus empire comes on in an hour so yeah I am hype!


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