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I woke up next morning and couldn't go back asleep, you guys probably wondering what happen last night between Lauren and I? But nothing didn't happen, something almost happened but I stopped it.

"Lauren your drunk." I said pulling her away.

But Lauren wasn't even listening as she pecked my lips once more, I caved in and kissed her back. We were taking our clothes that we had off as she jumped onto of me causing us to fall on the bed.

"Lauren..." I said as I break the kiss.

"Lauren!" I added as I raised my voice a lil bit making her stop and looking into my eyes.

"I love you so much, but you going to regret this moment and I don't want you regretting anything from me okay." I said.

She couldn't say anything she just started crying her eyes out on my chest as I let her til she fell asleep in my arms.

We been like this since last night, I couldn't let her have sex with me it would be mad if I did. Even though I wanted her too but shes in love with Keith and I don't want no beef with him we just got back on talking terms.

"Where am I?" Lauren questioned as she woke up.

"You here with me." I said.

She started looking around and notice that we didn't have no clothes on.

"What the fuck happen last night?" Lauren questioned.

"We all had too much to drink, you saw Keith's fling from college and you got upset and came with me." I told her.

"Did we do anything?" Lauren asked.

"Almost, but I stopped you... It wouldn't be right." I told her.

"Thank you, I appreciate you." Lauren said.

"Anytime." I said.

Lauren got out of bed getting her phone when she had missing calls from Keith, and the others.

"I should go back home, Keith must be worried." Lauren said.

"Well you need some clothes to put on and I can drop you home?" I suggested.

"Okay thanks!" Lauren said with a warm smile.


I thought I was in my bedroom but I must've gotten up and went into the living room cause I woke up on the couch. And she still didn't wasn't home causing me to sigh in frustration, I was getting a lil headache from last night so I got up went to get some Advil and some water as I took them as the pain was easing away. That is when I heard the door being unlock causing me to sit up on the couch, glad my mama had Kaydence.

Lauren came in and closed the door quietly when she turned around and saw me causing her to jump out of her skin.

"Where were you Lauren? The bros and I were worried sick?" I questioned.

"And Algee wasn't picking up his phone either." I added.

"I was over Algee's crib last night." Lauren said.

"Before you get upset, nothing didn't happen between us." She added.

"Algee was being a friend and let me stay over for the night since I was tore up." Lauren said once more.

"Okay, glad nothing didn't happen." I said as she sat next to me.

"I am sorry for the bottom of my heart, didn't know she was going to pop up... Didn't mean to kiss her either I thought it was you." I added.

"I know Keith... I am sorry for my actions as well I just let her get too me." Lauren said as she laid her head on my shoulder making me pull her close to me.

"The only thing we wanted was to have a good time and then that happens." She added.

"Everything will be alright." I said.

"Don't worry." I added as I kissed her head.

And that's all I got for tonight!!!!! Just a lil sum sum...


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