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End of the month of July incoming august (School starts in September).





I had stopped going over there crib, I just couldn't face Lauren why would she do that too... A nigga is real hurt by this, I wanted to be the one to carry her 1st child why did it have to be Keith. Lauren will always call or text me but I would never reply or answer back to them. Keith didn't even try to contact him which was good because I think I would've beat his ass for what he did, so I was just hanging our with the other bros.

"Damn you Aight?" Yazz asked.

"To be honest, not really." I said.

"Can't believe she's pregnant man!" Woody said.

"Its just shocking for her to be pregnant... and Keith being the father." Elijah said.

"I know I still can't believe it either." I said.

"Have you spoke to her?" Elijah asked.

"Nah, I haven't she will text and call but I never reply to any of her calls or messages. I am just too hurt by this!" I said.

"Have you spoke to Luke? or Keith?" Woody asked.

"I spoke to Luke but it was only for a quick minute, and Keith hell nah." I told them.

"Shit I wouldn't blame with Keith, he still my bro but what he did was some shady shit to do! I mean I wouldn't go that low and do some shit like that." Yazz said as I nodded.

"I just want to beat his ass for what he did!" I said.

"Do you still love her?" Woody asked.

"Shit I can't lie that I don't still love her but I do, but what she did to me was uncalled for." I said.

"I think you should talk to Lauren." Elijah said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you guys still need to talk about what happen, plus you need to know where you guys stand." Elijah said.

He is right, I do need to have a talk with Lauren and see what we stand in our relationship. This is all so new to me like how can the girl of my dreams get pregnant by one of my best friends.


I was watching TV in the living room when I heard someone ringing the doorbell causing me to get off the sofa to see who was at the door. I looked into the peep hole and it was Algee as I opened the door for him so he can come in.

"Aye bro, come in!" I said opening the door wider.

"Wassup bro!" Algee said walking in.

"Is Lauren around?" Algee added.

"Yeah she's upstair-" I said as I saw her walking downstairs.

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