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I finally got Lauren all to myself, she made the right choice cause it was driving me crazy whenever I see her with one of the boys. But she have to let them know that we are seeing each other but I don't know how they will react. We was totally soak and wet from all the night, so after the boat stopped we headed to the beach where her house was at and we was just walking on the sand holding each other's hands.

"I didn't know it was gon rain." I told her.

"Its okay!" Lauren said with a smile.

"I thought I wouldn't be with another guy after I been though with Anthony." Lauren added.

"I just feel safe when I am around you... I can trust you with my all, without you judging me." She added.

"I am sorry... I'm getting too carried away." Lauren said as she stopped talking.

"Nah you don't have to stop talking babe, I know what you tryna say. I just want you to know that you can trust me with anything, I promise you that I will love you, and care for you whenever you need it." I said as we stopped walking.

She faced me making me pull her closer to my body, she puts her hands around my neck as I had my hands around her waist. We both shared a passionate kiss causing me to feel upon her body but I didn't want to do too much because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable but I wanted to do some more things but that is for another time when she's ready for the next level.

She pulled away from the kiss, I guess to catch her breath.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just couldn't breath for a moment." Lauren told me.

"You got ya inhaler?" I asked.

"Yeah." Lauren said as she pulled it out.

I hate seeing her like this, her having inhaler and stuff making my blood boiled even more.

"Why the sad face?" Lauren asked.

"Cause you having the inhaler, can't believe he did that to you." I said.

"Its okay baby, I only need it for 2 more weeks and they want to check too see if I don't need to use it anymore." Lauren said.

"Aight, I will calm down from the kissing then... But I don't know if I can cause I love kissing ya lips." I said having a smirk on my face.

"I love kissing you too." Lauren said.


I was at home, the only person that was still up was Luke I guess mom and dad are asleep.

"How was ya date with Algee?" Luke asked.

"It was so romantic, we was on a boat tonight. He sung me a song in front of everyone, we ate, and we danced until it rained. After that we was walking on the beach for the time being" I said.

"Sounds like you had a great time with Algee." Luke said.

"Yes I did!" I said putting my hand over my heart.

"Something else happen?" Luke questioned.

"Yes, something did happen." I said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"I chose Algee, I want to be with Algee. I like all the boys equally but I love Algee more... I want to see how this going to work between Al and I, I am just scared that the others would be upset about my decision." I told Luke.

"If they understand ya decision then you guys are still friends... if they don't then I have to say something." Luke said.

"Luke I don't want you saying anything if they do have a problem with my decision I just have to deal with it... They were ya bros before I came into the picture all I need is for you and the bros not being friends because of me I am not going to let that happen." I told him as he nodded his head.

"Aight I will let you handle it, but when are you going to tell them?" Luke asked.

"Man I don't even know, I want to wait until Al and I are ready to tell them... I don't want to tell them right away." I said.

"Its better telling them now, than later! But I will let you handle it. But I am happy for you, cause Algee is perfect for you so no hard feelings." Luke told me making me smile.

"Thanks Luke!" I said giving him a hug.

"Anything for my lil sister!" Luke said giving me a hug back.

After that I headed up to my room as I took a shower, and washed my hair since I got soaked from the rain, and I hate the smell of wet dog so yeah I need to be smelling good from head to toe. When I got done with everything, my phone started to ring and it was from Algee making me smile from ear to ear.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey babe!" Algee said making me blush.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I asked making him laugh.

"I love when you call me that." Algee said as I knew he was smiling ear to ear.

"I bet you do, so you made it home safely?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was just calling to tell you that." Algee said.

"Aww okay I just got done taking a shower and washing my hair." I said.

"Shit I am about to do the same thing cause I smell like wet dog." Algee said making me laugh.

"Yeah I hate the smell of it so I hurried and showered." I said.

"Shit you ain't gotta tell me twice." Algee said making me laugh again.

"Well I am not gon keep you waiting on ya shower then." I said.

"Damn you don't wanna talk to me?" Algee questioned.

"Boy I do want to talk but you want to take a shower right?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Yeah you right, I do want to shower!" Algee said making me laugh once again.

"But when I get out imma call you." He added.

"Alright, and I will be waiting." I said.

"Bye babe." Algee said.

"Bye." I said.

Just a lil something I am burning the fuck up and can't type anymore but I will type in a few days though.


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