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Algee and I have been hanging out for 2 months now, I couldn't be happier. We still haven't told them yet but they all need to know just scared of there reaction. We were all at the beach house that my mama and daddy bought so we all decided to have a party so I was already setting up everything when my lil helper came to help me before the guys get here.

"Baby I'm here!" Algee sung as he came in causing me to laugh.

"Hey babe!" I said as I pecked his lips.

Algee deepened the kiss as I didn't mind but I didn't want the other coming in seeing us kissing, when this was all about us telling them that we together.

"What's wrong?" Algee asked.

"They might see us." I said.

"I want to tell them myself, if they saw us kissing it just wouldn't feel right." I added.

"I understand baby." Algee said giving me another kiss.

"Ima help you set up." He added.

So we had all the food set up, all the drinks, and plates you name it we had it. Some random music pop up as we heard someone at the door as I opened the door and it was the boys. I haven't seen them in a hot minute as I gave them a big welcome hug god I miss them.

"I miss yall so much!" I said to them.

"Girl we miss ya too, just been busy." Elijah said.

"All of you guys?" I asked.

They all nodded, I mean they can't be around me all summer.

"So what have you been doing?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, what you be doing baby?" Yazz asked.

"I been around." I said.

"Around? What ya mean?" Woody asked.

"Around... like seeing someone." I said.

"Damn someone got her first." Yazz joked causing everyone to laugh.

"Who is the lucky guy?" Keith asked as I knew he was disappointed.

That is when Algee came towards me putting his arms kissing my cheek making me smile.

"Congrats guys!" Elijah said giving me a hug, and Algee a handshake.

"Yall seem happy so I can't get mad." Woody said.

"Thanks bro." Algee said with a smile.

"I thought you was my baby?" Yazz questioned causing me to laugh.

"I am sorry Bryshere." I said.

"I change all my ways for you, and you gon go with Al.." Yazz said throwing me off.

"But its all good!" Yazz said putting my hand over my heart.

"I thought you were mad?" I asked.

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