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Sorry I am not being in detail on what month and shit I try to do it but I just be typing and I forget smh but yeah please don't hate me on this chapter I know the last chapter you guys were shook at what you guys heard read, but a book needs drama though am I right? Thanks for 3.2k reads!!!


I was heading downstairs when I heard Lauren sounding like coughing up her insides as I went inside her room. I started to hold her hair up for her as I patted her back so she can get all of throw out and shit.

"You alright?" I asked being worried.

"Yeah I am alright, just needed to throw up that is all I felt fine 20 minutes ago.. I was typing my book and then I felt like I needed to throw up so I did." Lauren said.

"You said that 2 weeks ago Lauren... I am getting worried!" I told her honesty.

"Did you and Algee had sex lately?" I asked.

"No!" Lauren told me.

"Then why are y-" I said but she cut me off.

"It was Keith!" Lauren said.

"Keith! You cheating on Algee with Keith?" I asked getting upset.

"Don't get upset, it wasn't suppose to happen." Lauren told me.

"Don't tell Algee this!" She added.

"He needs to know if you're pregnant Lauren." I said.

"I know but I am not ready okay! I don't even know if I am!" Lauren told me.

"Well you gonna go to the doctor right now come on!" I told her.

"You know they gon inform mom and dad about me being pregnant! Just give me a pregnancy test." Lauren said.

"Okay ima get two different pregnancy test alright!" I said.

After that I left out of her room, can't believe this is happening I wanted to punch Keith in the fucking face for doing this but I need to calm down because she probably isn't pregnant.





Lauren was in the bathroom with the door closed as I was pacing back and forth as she told me that she will open the door when the timer goes off and let me know. A phone started going off causing me to jump as I notice that it was my phone as I looked to see who it was and it was Elijah said.

"Yo!" I said.

"Sup, you home or nah?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah I am home why?" I questioned.

"You forgot we was watching the game today?" Elijah questioned.

"OH shit... I forgot about that!" I said as my heart was pounding.

"You gon open the door?" Elijah questioned.

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