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"Fuck you, and Lauren!" Algee said walking out of my room as I followed him.

I was yelling for him to stop but he kept on walking not listening to me.

"Algee! Algee! Please stop walking." I said as I was outside of the house.

Algee got into his car and drove away fast as I went back inside.

"Damn what the fuck happen?" Luke asked as I came back closing the front door.

"Algee caught Keith and I kissing." I said.

"So yall together or something?" Luke asked.

As I didn't say anything to him, causing me to look away.

"Lauren, Algee still cares about you and then you gon do this shit!" Luke said as he was pointing at me and Keith but he was still upstairs.

"It just happen between Keith and I." I said.

"Baby girl this you got going on with Keith is only because you having a baby by him its not real... The real love you got is for Algee. Keith is my bro but this is getting out of hand!" Luke told me.

"Luke I-" I said as he walked away.

"I don't want to hear it Lauren... I really don't I am just fed up with this whole situation with you, Keith, and Algee." Luke said going upstairs.

As Luke walked upstairs that is when the others came downstairs.

"You Aight?" Woody asked.

"Yeah... I will be okay, How is Keith?" I asked.

"He good." Yazz said.

"Where Algee at?" Yazz asked.

"He drove off! Can you guys call him and see if he's okay.." I said.

"Sure Sis, we will!" Elijah said.

"Thanks." I said.

I gave them a hug and told them bye as I went back upstairs to my room with my Keith, he was in the bathroom cleaning up his face.

"You Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm good... it could've been worst than this." Keith said.

"Let me help you!" I told him.

He stop what he was doing so I can finish cleaning up his face, after I got done Keith wanted to stay over which I didn't mind it was getting late. I took me a quick shower and getting into the bed with Keith as he was only boxers and white shirt on.

"Have you heard from Algee yet?" I asked.

"Nah Elijah called me saying hes not picking up." Keith told me.

I tried calling him but it goes straight to voicemail, but I am not going to worry too much he probably at home asleep.

"Okay... I am not going to worry about it too much, I am trying to be stress free with this pregnancy." I told him.

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