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Setting: New Edition Story Premiere


Tonight is the night for the premiere of the New Edition Story, so excited to finally let everyone see this movie and also for the TV viewers at home watching this is going to be a great thing to experience. You going to be happy, laughing, sad, singing, dancing, crying throughout this mini series but I call it a movie because its gon feel like a movie to be honest.


After this Mini series/Movie we gon have so much love and feedback from this, and also getting into more movies, and etc. Couldn't have done this without the love of my life Lauren being there for me when it got tough for me when I wanted to give up on acting she was there, and also Ronnie. Ronnie giving me a boost and giving me some encouragement words I wouldn't have finished this mini series at all so excited for this tonight.


I was getting myself ready for the premiere for the New Edition Story, its just a good day for all of us. Just thinking that after this mini series is over, that is when our lives is going to change and I can feel it. Wishing that I had someone that I loved to experience this with.


So Lauren was on the red carpet with Luke talking ton of pictures, she was nervous and also excited about tonight. That is when the younger cast came out and they took pictures with them all, and that's when Woody, Elijah, Yazz, and Keith came up when Lauren saw Keith her heart skipped a beat making Keith smiled as he gave her a pecked on the lips. Algee was late but he was coming though since everyone was asking where he was at. That is when Lauren started to have flashbacks when she met the boys.


It was a Friday night it's finally the weekend for and also summer started so I am so glad about that. My annoying brother starts to bring his friends over to the crib. Our parents stay having business meetings so we always be home alone and shit but I don't mind though, I stay in my room when he has them over. I was on my laptop just typing away while listening to some music to get me in the zone. I've always loved writing so on my spare time I would type stories to myself, and I have so many stories that I want to post up but at the same time I don't want no one plagiarizing my books cause I would beat someone's ass if they do; that is why I don't put it on wattpad cause I just don't trust people on there I will read other people's books but I don't post up mine. But I do want someone's opinion what I write though cause you can know what to do more with your books and stuff.

Anyways I began to get thirsty, so I paused my music taking off my headphones and getting out of my chair all of sudden my phone vibrates and it was my stupid brother Luke as I started to roll me eyes.


-Stop rolling em eyes, I can see it from downstairs... Anyways my niggas and I are hungry and thirsty can you give us some food and drinks?


-Uhm do I look like a maid to you?


-Nah.. You look like a slave to me lol.


- Wow smh, I ain't giving yall shit... I'm going downstairs and getting ME something to DRINK.

I scoffed at him I swear he gets on my damn nerves I swear. I finally left out of the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen, it was so damn loud because of them hyena's in the living room.

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