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Been having some trouble with this chapter, it seem like you guys can't comment for some reason so hopefully you can do it now!!!


All the boys were over the crib today expect for Keith, I asked them if he was coming over but they told me hes busy. He been saying that for awhile now, he just don't want to see me with Algee. It makes me feel even more worst, I try not to think bout it but he stays in my mind ever since I told everyone that Algee and I are together. I felt algee's lips on my neck catching me off guard.

"You alright babe?" Algee asked.

"Yeah I am fine." I said.

"Babe if Keith don't wanna come, you shouldn't trip he got other things to go." Algee said.

"I know, but this isn't like him to do." I told him.

"Yeah I know but if hes busy than let him be, alright." Algee said pecking my lips.

He kept on pecking my lips as we was about to have a passionate kiss that is when Luke came towards us to break it up causing all of us to laugh.

"That's my sister, ain't tryna see allat kissing!" Luke said.

"My bad bro." Algee said with a smile as he laugh and peck my lips once more.

It was around 2 something in the morning and I wanted to have a night swim, I haven't done this in awhile ever since Anthony showed up and did what he did my breathing haven't been so great. I still have to use my inhaler if I am having trouble breathing on my own, which sucks. I went into the water letting all the cold water hit my body as I started to swim as all the thoughts in my mind were going away within seconds, having a clear mind while swimming was everything right now. I stopped swimming for a minute while I stared up at the beautiful night sky that I was seeing when someone tap my shoulder causing me to look at who it was.

"Algee what ya doing here? I thought you was asleep?" I questioned.

"Yeah I was asleep, but I didn't feel you by my side so I knew where you were." Algee said making me smile.

"Yeah I am here." I said.

"You okay?" Algee asked.

"To be honest no, I am not okay." I told him honestly.

"What's up? you can always talk to me." Algee said.

"Did I make the right choice of choosing you?" I questioned causing his face to look weird.

"Of course you made the right choice of choosing me Lauren! What are you talking about?" Algee said.

"Well ever since I told the guys that we were seeing each other K-" I said as he cut me off.

"Lauren, Keith has to understand that we connect alot more.. Keith is my bro and he should be happy that I am with you like the others!" Algee said.

"But you guys aren't cool anymore because of my choice and I just feel bad about it, like we shouldn't see each other anymore." I told him.

"Lauren, don't say that! Keith will come around.. I am not going to lose you when I just got you." Algee said.

"But it just doesn't feel right, I thought Keith will be happy and so supportive about this." I said.

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