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My phone was buzzing the whole day from Woody, he will also leave voicemail to but I don't listen to any of them. He really showed his true colors the other night, I just need to cool off between Woody and I. I was on the phone all night talking to Keith as I told him what happen and he was upset that Woody would do that to me, Keith is a great guy to be around I am glad that I met him. I went downstairs as I saw Luke watching some TV, he looked up and saw me.

"Aye Woody keeps asking me about you." Luke said.

"So." I said.

"He wants to see if you're okay?" Luke asked.

"I am okay, I just don't feel like talking to him right now." I said.

"He's blowing up my phone and I just want some space from him... Can you tell him that." I added.

"Aight, I will tell him." Luke said.

My phone started to ring as I answered it.

"Woody stop fucking calling me!" I answered.

"This isn't Woody baby." Yazz said.

"I am sorry Bryshere, I thought you was Woody." I apologized.

"Yeah I can see that, but I heard what happen are you okay?" Yazz questioned.

"Yeah I am okay, just want some space from Woody for a while." I told him.

"Yeah I understand. But are you doing something today?" Yazz asked.

"No I am not doing anything." I said.

"Okay, well ima take you to get something to eat." Yazz said.

"Alright let me get ready." I said.

"Aight see you in a few baby." Yazz said.

"Okay bye." I said as I ended the call.

"Ima have the guys over if that's fine?" Luke asked.

"I don't mind, I am about to hangout with Yazz anyways." I said.

"Okay, and be careful with him I will really beat his ass if he ever tried something." Luke told me.

"I will be careful." I told him.




I heard all this laughter downstairs and it was letting me know that Algee and the others are downstairs with Luke, and I checked the time and it was going on 5 I took a really long ass time to get ready. Maybe cause I couldn't find anything to wear in my closet, I think its time for me to go shopping to buy some more clothes. I went downstairs when I felt everyone eyes on me causing Yazz to get up and he was looking real fine what he was wearing.

 I went downstairs when I felt everyone eyes on me causing Yazz to get up and he was looking real fine what he was wearing

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