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Hey #Paradises! Bri here!

I tend to forget things while I type in my books, and I am just going to tell you this. You guys probably wondering if Lauren ever won the wattys in this book, and I completely forgotten about it so I am going to answer your question if you guys forgot about it too. No she did not win the wattys but she is still writing, but she had to put it in the back burner because of the baby and stuff! Anyways enjoy the chapter.


I was home with baby Kaydence she's so beautiful I can't stop staring at her. Sometimes I feel like I am in a dream, a really good dream that I wouldn't dare to wake up from. I felt someone kissed my head causing me to look up and it was Keith causing me to smile.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey babe." Keith said with a smile.

He pecked my lips but I deepened the kiss as he pulled away and gave me another kiss.

"How are you and Kaydence doing?" Keith asked as he sat right next to me.

"Were doing just fine, happier that you here." I said making him smile.

I gave him Kaydence as he held her as he smiled.

"Wow." Keith said.

"Every time I see her she takes my breath away so beautiful." He added.

"She sure is." I said.

"So have you spoken to Algee?" Keith asked.

"Nah, I haven't... I am just over the situation." I said.

"But at the same time, theirs nothing to talk about. He said what he had to say so I ain't even worrying about it." I added.

He just nodded his head as she kissed Kaydence's forehead. I heard a soft knock as we both looked up to see who it was, and it was Luke.

"Sup Luke." Keith said.

"Sup bro bro." Luke said.

"Just blessed that's all." Keith said making me smile.

"I hear you." Luke said taking Kaydence away from him.

"He been doing that since I came home." I said with a laugh.

Seeing Luke holding my daughter is so cute, can't wait til Luke have kids so I can do the same thing that hes doing right now.

"Man we all graduate tomorrow!" Luke said.

"I know right, finally!" I said.

"Right... and this its the real world for all of us." Keith said.

"Shit, I am kinda scared though ain't gon lie." Luke said.

"You being scared? That's a shocker!" I said making Luke laugh.

"Yeah I can get scared... We all gon be on our own, we all have to make our own decisions, making the right choices. Are you guys really ready for this?" Luke asked us.

"Yeah.. I am ready." I said.

"Yeah, I am ready too! its finna be a roller coaster but I know we gon be good." Keith said.

Setting: After graduation.


Luke and Lauren's parents decided to take all of us out to dinner. When I mean all of us, I mean Algee's Woody's, Yazz's, and Elijah's family as well. Its like this is it man, we all doing our own thing I mean we all still gon keep in touch but its going to be different without them around. But we will see them whenever we can. I am going to be in New York the whole summer with Lauren and Kaydence before I go to college in Sacramento.

"Something wrong babe?" Lauren asked in my ear as I smiled.

"Nah.. nothing isn't wrong just thinking." I said into her ear as I kissed her cheek.

"Over here thinking they cute." Elijah said making around laugh.

"Man, don't hate on young black love." I said.

Elijah waved his hands towards us making everyone to laugh even more. Kaydence started crying so I got up and picked her up as she stopped.

"Daddy's little girl I see." Lauren cooed.

"Yeah." I said with a smile.

"I am going to miss you guys." Lauren stated.

"We gon miss you too.. you should know this, you made our summer to be honest baby girl." Yazz said.

"Yeah we can never forget that night. Had everyone star struck!" Woody said making everyone laugh.

"Yes.. everyone was fighting over you like you was food." Luke added his two cents.

"We all gon look back and just laugh about it." I said.

"Forreal, though... But whatever happens just promise that we will meet again when College goes by." Algee said.

"Dang why you saying it like we was finna die but then you just said college at the end man." Elijah said making all of us laugh.

"No doubt we gon meet again, you my bros for life." Yazz said.

That's all ima type, probably going to type more later.


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