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Thanks for 4k reads! wow I just had 3k reads like a few days ago. Hope you guys are still feeling this story? I know it seems like that I am focusing on only Algee and Keith in this book but I will have the bros in this book like I did in the beginning, I am lowkey starting to have writers block right now... I know what I want to happen but I don't want to write it now cause that seems like I am rushing in the book so I am trying to figure what I write before I start typing what I really want to type about ughhhh sorry for my ranting enjoy this chapter!



I was at the store getting some food so I can cook until I saw Lauren looking beautiful as ever, I started walking towards her.

"Wassup baby girl!" I said causing her to look at me with a smile.

"Hey Bry!" Lauren said as she gave me a hug.

"How you been? looking beautiful as ever!" I told her making her smile.

"I have been good, just hanging in there.. And thanks for the compliment. How about you? I miss you!" Lauren said.

"No problem! I always been thinking about you, and I have been good too just been kicking it!" I said.

"How is the baby?" I asked as we both started to walk while pushing our carts.

"The baby is doing good, beside the sickness everything is just fine." Lauren said.

"That is good, I don't want anything happening to my nephew." I said.

"Damn everyone wants me to have a boy!" Lauren said.

"You want a girl?" I questioned as she nodded.

"But whatever I have ima still love him or her." Lauren said.

"I feel you on that, you still grounded?" I asked.

"No, they finally to underground me I am glad cause I am tried of being in my room locked up like I am a princess or something." Lauren said making me laugh.

"I was wondering if you wanna hangout with ya boy?" I asked.

"I mean I don't mind." Lauren said making me smile.

"Aight coo, I will pick you up at 6 then!" I suggested.

"Yeah 6 is cool." Lauren said with a smile.

"Aight I will see you then!" I said.

"Okay Bry." Lauren said as she gave me a hug.

"See you later! She added.

"Lata baby girl." I said as I pushed my cart the other way.


I was getting ready to hangout with Yazz tonight, I dressed casual cause he didn't tell me what I should wear as I headed downstairs sitting on the couch next to luke.

"Where you going?" Luke asked.

"Yazz and I are hanging out tonight." I said.

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