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Algee told me that he had to take this phone call so he went to another room, and that is when my phone went off from a text message and it was from Keith it must've saw the video, when I saw the text on my screen I could sense that he was upset.

From Keith:

-Our baby girl is growing up! I wish I was there instead of Al...

So I reply to his text seeing if I can talk to him.

To Keith:

-You still on the plane?

From Keith:

-Nah I just got off the plane you can call me.

When I was about to call him that is when he called me so I answered.

"So Algee gon come over after I left huh?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, he did! I invited him over." I told him.

"That is when Kaydence said her first word and that is when I recorded the video!" I added.

"I am sorry, when I saw Algee I just got pissed and upset that I wasn't there." Keith told me.

"I completely understand, if it was me I would've been upset too." I said.

"I don't know why I let Algee get to me, hes my best friend." Keith said feeling bad.

"You scared that hes gon take me away from you, that is all! I know Al still got feelings for me but I am with you." I said.

"I know.. But I can't keep thinking that he will." Keith said.

We kept on talking some more and then I ended the call, that is when Algee came back.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything is cool." Algee told me.

"That's good!" I said.

That is when my phone went off again and I looked it was Bryshere haven't seen his name on my screen in forever so I answered his face time.

"Wassup baby girl! no time, no see huh!" Yazz said.

"Hey Bry, its been forever I miss ya!" I said making him smile.

"I miss ya too that is when I called." Yazz said.

"Wassup bro!" Algee said.

"Yo! wassup Al, you and Lauren back together?" Yazz asked.

"Yeah we back together." Algee said putting his hand over my shoulder.

"No I am still with Keith!" I said with a laugh.

"Damn where is Keith anyways?" Yazz asked.

"Back in LA for this callback he got for a movie hes doing." I said.

"I see him doing good!" Yazz said.

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