chapter 22 wedding part 4

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( this chapter is dedicated to FNAFToyChica for being such a nice person! It makes my day reading the comments she leaves!! But I love this song!!❤ never stop by safetysuit wedding ironhide did not actually sing it just pretend he

Ironhides pov
While Alexis was busy with food...literally she is over there picking through the food, but she got that from me so i cant really judge, i walked to the dj and requested that he play a song that i sand into a recording device and gave it to him. He nodded at me and the lights dimmed. I walked up to Alexis as she turned around. I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. Her dress flowed out behind her, her hair still in perfect place as if completely untouched, her makeup, that she dosent need, lays on her face softly and neatly, she is beautiful. I smiled at her as the words came on. She immediately recongnized my voice and my words and her eyes filled with tears as everyone clapped recognizing my voice. I smiled as she pulled me to the dance floor and spun me around. Isnt the guy supposed to spin the girl? Oh well...woman power. I danced with her until the song ended then i went on stage and sang it to her. I dont think she understands just how much i love her so im going to show her.

As i sang the smile never left her face as she danced with Maddison now in her arms singing right along with me. Maybe she really dose get me. Just as i was about to go off stage Alexis said...
"SING IT AGAIN!! MADDIE WAS SINGING!" and with those last three words i was over at the piano playing it while i sang staring dead at maddie who had cameras surrounding her as she slowly sang the song. I watched Alexis laugh and start to tear up while Maddie sang. I smiled at them both while singing. I stood up and walked over to maddie while singing into the microphone. Maddie sang into it too.
"Never stop openin your door." we sang together in harmony. Then as a big family
"I will never stop trying, i will never stop watching as you leave i will never stop loosing my breath, every time i see you looking back at me, and i will never stop holding your hand i will never stop opening your door i will never stop choosing you babe, i will never get used to you" we all sang together Alexis was crying, i was laughing, Maddison was singing. I gripped Maddies hand in one hand and the microphone in the other. My arm was draped around my wife. I couldnt be any happier. Bit the last time i said that i was informed i could bring the two loves of my life with me and i instantly was happier. I smiled widely. Primus i love my life right now. I am so blessed right now. Another song came on and we danced as a whole family. And no not justcthe three of us, all of us. Every autobot, human, family member we have ever met was dancing with us. I smiled in peace as we all started singing.

Alexis's pov
After the song ended i realised...i need food. So i walked my tiny little butt over there to get some food. Maddison was in my arms and i started humming to her as i fed her a piece of steamed broccoli. I did a little dance and kept putting food on my plate. Ironhide ordered it all so i have no idea what he- ARE THOSE FREAKING CHICKEN NUGGETS!! I ran over to them and lennox saw me and started laughing.
"Someone like nuggets." i laughed
"Ha understatement of the year." i said shaking my head and he shook his still chuckling to himself. Ironhide came uo behind me and i looked up at him.
"You. Got. Chicken. Freaking. Nuggets. Primus you know me so well." i said shaking my head.
"Anything for you," he said kissing my cheek then Maddies. He went to get a plate. He didnt get much but he got some. Holoforms cant eat that much but since im mostly human i can eat whatever the slag i want. I went with Ironhide to sit at our assigned table. I set maddie in my lap. Ironhide kept leaning over to fead her. I smiled at him when hs was pulling back and met eyes with me. He smiled back.
"Where are we going for a honeymoon?" he asked. See heres the thing he planned the wedding and i planned the honeymoon because we are testing each other to see how much we know about each other. So far he's got this in the bag...lets just see about cake. Ha speak of the devil. As soon as i thought of that the cake came out but to my surprise two came out...
"Cheesecake and cherry chip cake for the pretty lady." ironhide said smiling. I smacked his arm and side hugged him with maddie still in my arms. After cake we started getting everything packed up at the wedding. Hide and i will have leftovers for months. Lennox put the leftovers in his chevy truck, to take to my room at base, he got a chevy until hide comes back...i smiled at everyone. I then turned to my dad...
"I love yoy daddy, stay safe for the two weeks we are gone." i said laughing he did too. We buckled Maddie into ironhides alt and i hugged him.
"Follow me." i said my holoform fizzling away. It was a silent ride. Except for the fact that Maddie cried the whole time. We drove until dark for two days then we finally got there.
"Your kidding." he said. "That bridge we took wasnt a real bridge was it?" he asked and i shook my head.
"Nope, boat. How else would we get here?" i asked my holoform spinning around with arms wide.
"You took us to slagging HAWAII!! I love you!" he said running up and kissing me with Maddie in his arms.
"I know." i said smiling at how i had gotten us lost and it took us to Hawaii...

Hey guys last chapter of the wedding stuff...hope y'all enjoyed sorry it took so many chapters for the wedding i just didnt one two extremely long wedding chapters plus im still extremely sick and my head hurts but im pushing for you guys!!! You know who im talking to!! Alrighty... Bye!!

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