Chapter 45

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The day started off a breeze after the terrible dream from last night.
"Beep-beep-beep-be-" the alarm shut off and it wasn't me who turned it off. I was laying on my stomach with my arms and legs spread out like a star. There was clearly. No one in bed with me and with my eyes closed I asked for Ironhide.
"Am I alone, or is hide in here?" I waited with my eyes closed for a reply. I heard a unmanly like grunt and I opened my eyes and narrowed them but still didn't move. It was deadly silent and it kind of worried me, until suddenly the air was pushed out of me by a huge weight. Instantly I struggled trying to get it off, only succeeding in getting stuck more. I heard a laugh and my muscles eased a little, well to the point of not scared but still trying not to suffocate.
"You big lard, get off of me" I mumbled into the mattress. I felt the weight ease a little but it only was him adjusting, leaning into my ear.
"It's nice and comfy here, I think I might take a nap" I grunted
"Pleaseee" I used my best sad voice and I heard him sigh and the weight left my body. I quickly flipped over and jumped up, putting my hands up in defense. "No more!" I said while laughing and he laughed. I looked at the clock and the date that flashed in the top right corner. My eyes narrowed, "don't we have something today? Like the whole military" Ironhide looked to the right, at the floor, then back to me.

"Yes" a smile coming to his face "it's the military ball"

~~meanwhile, on the other side of the base~~

"Ratchet?" I called walking through the halls looking for the mech. I'm in my holoform so i can ask more humans if they've seen him. I pushed the doors to medbay open. "Ratchet?" I called again. I walked to the storage units to see if he was there. I was about to push the door open when it opened and I fell forward. I was caught by a single finger as I heard stuff clang to my left. I stood up and looked up to see ratchet who was still kneeled down to collect the data pads he had dropped to prevent me from falling. I rubbed the back of my neck "Sorry." He chuckled

"It's quite alright Maddison, I needed a distraction anyway, my research is getting nowhere." He shook his head. I gave a crooked smile.

"Well you could take a break and go to the military ball with me? That's what I came here to ask anyway"

"The what?" He asked, looking absentmindedly at me.

"The military's tonight...and I came to see if you wanted to go with me...if not it's okay I'll just go by mys-"

"NO!" I tilted my head at his sudden interruption and immediately thought he was saying no to going

"Okay, well I'll just uh be in my room then" I pointed my thumb behind me and turned around

"No that's not what I meant, you said you were going by yourself and I'm not having that, I will go with you." I turned back around and he gave me a crooked smile and I smiled wide.

"Really?" I couldn't help but want to do a little dance, I mean yeah we are together but...we never really get to do anything like this.

"Of course, what time does it start?" He asked me with a serious face

"Um-" I looked at the wall and to the clock, "the dinner starts at 6 and the dancing starts at 8, but since you don't eat we can just go to the dance" I shrugged and he shook his head

"Dinner date and military ball it is" he said and I smiled and looked at the ground.

"I have a few hours before I have to get ready, would you like me to stay or go?" He scoffed and looked at me with a are you serious face and I raised a single eyebrow.

"I would never ask you to leave, I love your company, now anyone else I'd tell them to leave without them even asking" he chuckled and then reached down with his free servo and scooped me up, walking to his research bench like counter. He set me on it gently and I sat cross legged as I watched him work. He was focused and it was adorable, his optics were squinted in the slightest and his lips curled up a bit on one side. I smiled to myself. "So Maddison, are you going to keep staring or are we gonna talk?" He asked and I immediately blushed.

"I-uh-sorry" I laughed and rubbed my neck. We started talking about nothing in particular and neither of us dropped our smiles

Alexis' pov

I smiled when he said that. I had completely forgotten. "Oh yeah!" I said and grabbed his hands and swayed them back and fourth. "I'm excited! But first we need to go get Cameron and Lyndsey from my dad he commed me and said I needed to get them" I said and let go of his hands. (I totally forgot she had other kids, I feel like that makes me a bad writer :( darn)  I went to the closet and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with several tears in them and a white t-shirt and my black leather jacket. I looked at Ironhide and literally just started taking everything but my undergarments off. He's seen me so many times without clothes on that I don't even care anymore. I know I have stretch marks and shiz from being pregnant but I truly believe he doesn't care about them.

I slid my outfit on and brushed my hair before ruffling it a bit. I heard Ironhide start to get dressed so I took the time to sit at the little vanity we have in our room and applied some mascara. Nothing more because, well I just didn't want to cause I know I'll add more in a few hours for the ball.

I stood up and looked at Ironhide just as he was puking his shirt on. He smiled to me and his holoform disappeared and I knew that if I walked out he door he'd probably be right there in his cybertronian body, and as I said, as soon as I opened the door, there he was.

He reached down to pick me up and I stepped on after shutting the door. He walked to the main hangar where I saw my alt mode. I let my human body fizzle away and I transformed really quick to stretch my arms and legs. Ironhide walked over to me and looked down a bit at me. Man I hated being shorter than him. I smiled and he smiled back. I nodded towards my fathers room and we started walking towards it.

When we reached the room I knocked and I heard him say yes could go in. As soon as I did I was astonished, the room was destroyed and my children were in the center of the destruction. "Dad?" I called walking to the kids and transforming and getting out. I picked up the kids as Ironhide transformed.

"Your children are very destructive..." he said walking out of the bathroom in his holoform with extremely messed up hair, food and like all over him and his face showing terror. I had to try to hold my laugh but a smile still seeped out so I turned around before he could see it and put the kids in the car as if that's what I was doing the whole time.

"How did this happen?" I asked looking around the room. There were burn marks, holes in the wall, food everywhere, it was crazy.

"They learned to transform there hands since they're only hybrids, half human half transformer, they can only transform there human self or they can turn into a whole autobot...I'm just glad they didn't learn how to do that, but let me tell you, they sure take after both of you, they have your attitude" he said and walked back into the bathroom.

"Poor Optimus" was all Ironhide said with a laugh. I smiled.

"I'm not surprised...we are both nuts" I laughed and got in the car and drove out of the room to the main hangar where two autobots were fighting. I transformed, carful of the kids and handed them to Bee who was helplessly standing off to the side. Humans were running around trying to avoid being stepped on.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed as the base kind of shook and I crossed my arms angrily. Sideswipe and Jazz stopped fighting and looked at me. "Why are you fighting?!" I asked as I dropped my arms and tilted my head.

"Well he chipped my paint"
"And he broke my mirror"
"And he spilled my energon"
"And he took my kill"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP" I yelled "you are like children" I threw my hands in the air. I noticed the humans had stopped running and were now watching. Suddenly a shot whizzed past me and I quickly turned with my hand transformed into a gun. "Who did that?!" I yelled and bee whirled and buzzed till his radio came on.

"It- was the- children-" he pointed at them with his free servo and I facepalmed.


So it's not the best chapter but I figured I'd give you guys something to read😂 sorry, I know it's kind of weird and probably something that may have "wasted your time" but I just was trying to be nice, have a nice day lovely's!!



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