Chapter 4

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Alexis pov

I stared at Optimus and ironhide wide eyed with tears threatening to fall down my face with every move, if I blink energon will be overflowed, but if I don't, I can play it cool. But how long am I supposed to bottle this all up, I lost my boyfriend, my best friend, my other half, and now I'm in love with someone else? What's wrong with me? I'm a mess! I'm a disaster, no one wants me around, I'm better off on my own. I slowly turn towards the door with the autobots watching my every move, as I looked back they looked curious as to what I was going to do, so I bent down and full on sprinted through the glass doors causing glass to shatter everywhere, if I were to have played it in slow motion it would have looked amazing as the glass flew up and then down around me as I kept running upstairs past ironhides room, Optimus's room, ratchets room, arcees room, c'mon hurry up! Aha my room! I bursted the door open and closed it behind me as I heard the loud thudding footsteps of the autobots behind me, I ran to the bathroom packing everything I needed into a suitcase along with all my human clothes, shoes, money, etc. I heard banging on the door and the autobots telling me to open up, I wasn't going to considering there's a window in my bathroom that's only two story's up, the least it will do is sprain an ankle if I land wrong. I grabbed my three suitcases containing everything I own except for a single piece of paper and a picture of Optimus and I in it. The paper contained the words

Dear autobots,
I'm sorry to have to write this at such short notice, but I'm going to have to, I'm running away, not because of you, but because, I need to find my mind again, ironhide I don't care what my dad says I love you, please don't hate me for having anyone who reads this know but I do I really have for a long time, I need some time to clear my head, but don't try to come and find me cause you won't you never will. When you find this please don't cry your sweet purple/blue energon tears, please be happy I found my escape! Love you daddy, ironhide, sunshine *ratchet*, arcee, bumblebee, miko, raf, and Jack, along with all other autobots...especially the terror twins, keep pranking my friends!

Love you guys forever and always

Alexis prime *alex*

I opened the window hardly being able to see with the tears filling my eyes and some overflowing, I throw my suitcases out then as I hear my door being busted down I jump out after catching a quick glimpse of Optimus, and ironhides pained faces, landing perfectly on my feet, I grabbed my bags and ran, I ran past the mountains that cover the lands, I ran past the trees that are tall and green, the great colors flying by me as I transform and put my luggage in my chassis *chest* I started slowing down to a walk as I neared a town with a small sign that said jasper Nevada. I transformed into a human and transformed into my car, my human body testing out the pedals for the first time since the accident, but that's a story for a different time (*cough* next *cough* chapter *cough*) I slowly spun the steering wheel, feeling good that I Knew what I was doing I put my foot on the gas and drove into the city, my car is a Camero, but it's black with teal stripes and teal hub caps. I choose this one two days before the accident. I remember walking around in our cybertronian forms and not being afraid if people saw us, those were the good days, but sadly it was my fault we couldn't show ourselves ever again, everyone acted like they didn't care, but secretly inside I knew they actually cared, it's there life's too not just mine, I ruined it for them! It's all my fault! I was right no one needs me, I'm unwanted, unneeded, unloved, and especially- wait a second! I'm bait! This is what they wanted! The deceptions they wanted me to think about the accident, then wheeljack, then to run away, they did it they made it happen now I'm out in the open where anyone could capture me then I'd be even more useless then I am right now. I sped down the road barley keeping the laws in check, but when I passed an all too familiar cop who did a u-turn, I knew I was in for some trouble... Oh primus please let me stay alive, please primus, I-I need your help, please. I begged in my head as I saw barricade the police car transform, I transformed right along with him, immediately pushing him to the ground and holding my foot on his chassis, I could feel his spark beet through my metal and it was racing wildly and it beat even more as he twisted my foot pulling me down and then getting up and on top of me and started punching me... Might I just add, Hard. I took one hard blow to barricades face and it knocked him off of me.

"Ah primes daughter has unknown strength right now?" He said in a mocking tone, I slapped him and kicked my leg out pretending to do my all too famous leg kick but instead I pull out my swords spinning them in my fingers as I pushed one through his spark and kept spinning the other with my other hand. Barricade fell as I pulled the sword out of his chest, I transformed back into the car buckled my human and drove.

Yesssssss!!!!! 1000 words!!!! So proud! Here's chapter four

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