Chapter 37: stand by you

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Dedicated to FNAFToyChica thank you for always being a dedicated reader. It means a lot❤️

Maddies pov
My mom stared up at me, I was right and she knew it. She nodded and stood up.
"Your right, he does love me, this was all a big misunderstanding, I'm going to talk to him." She said. I swear to primus if all of this packing was unnecessary then I'm gonna flip. I stood up, wiping my face then walking out to where my mom went which happened to be the main hanger.

Alexis's pov
I walked into the main hanger where I saw- a crying Ironhide? That's strange. I walked over to him. I saw what his holoform was holding...Cameron and Lyndsey. I heard him talking to Ratchet who stood beside him.
"Ratchet I really love them, with all my spark, I don't know what happened, I did it again I got mad and I snapped and took it out on her and the kids. It's almost like it's not me. The kids and Alexis are my whole life. Ever since the honeymoon when my body was like "possessed" I have been having these weird anger flashes. I can't loose them Ratchet! I can't" he cried harder at that. My mouth opened wide.
"Rotten energon, the decepticons could have tapped into his energon line when all of that happened and now it's Rotten energon" I spoke up for the first time. They both turned around quickly.
"A-Alexis!" Ironhide spoke his face a dark blue. I waved and let my hand hit my thigh then stick into my blue jeans pocket.
"Hi" I spoke softly "I heard it all,why didn't you tell anyone that, that is what was happening? It would have saved us so much time and trouble"
"I-I was afraid"
"Of what?"
"I don't know"
"I-I'm sorry Alexis, I know sorry probably won't cut it but I really wish I could start over, everything, just taken back today and start all over" he was crying hard again. I stepped over to him and placed my hands on his face.
"I know, I'll always stand by you! I forgive you."
"I know you don't forgive me but please at least- wait, you forgive me?" He asked and I nodded. He looked at Ratchet.
"Hold MY, children for me, drop them and I end your life." He said and I laughed under my breath. He hugged me and I laughed. He picked me up and spun me.
"God Ratchet you need to help me, I can't hurt them anymore, and I know that if I do, I'm leaving. I won't be an autobot anymore." He spoke. I looked up at him.
"You won't hurt me, I'm not afraid of you."
"You should be"
"But I'm not, I love you." I said, determined to get it through his thick skull that I truly do love him.
"I love you too"
"Give me my kids Ratchet" I smiled as I took them from him and bounced them in my arms.
"Maddie I know your in here, you can come out now." I said turning around.
"H-how did you know?"
"I heard your footsteps follow me then stop at the main hanger"
"Dang it!" Maddie ran over laughing as we had a group hug. I lifted my head up out of the hug and looked at Ratchet.
"Your practically family Ratchet I mean c'mon your basically I love with my daughter, get in here!" I said and he rubbed the back of his neck and walked over. I pulled him in tight and smiled at everyone. One. Big. Happy. Family.

Ironhides pov
I held my wife, my three beautiful children, and Ratchet in a tight hug. Then something weird hit me.
"Woah!" Alexis jumped back as did everyone else.
"What?!" They all asked.
"If Ratchet and Maddison get married... Ratchet will be my son in law! AHHHHHHH" I screamed jumping up and down like a little girl. Alexis made a disgusted face.
"Um...ew" she said "oh, no offense Ratchet"
"Um...and I'm supposed to say non taken right? Well that's not what I'm saying!" I laughed and Alexis shivered.
"Okay, let's head to med bay to figure this all out." Alexis said. We all walked into the med bay smiling. Well we were until reality hit us like a ton of bricks, well except for the twins, but they have no idea what's going on in general though. I sat on the berth and waited for Ratchet. I transformed into my Bi-pedal form and Ratchet took a tube of energon from my veins. I waited for what seemed like HOURS before he came back.
"Sadly Alexis was right, rotten energon."
"How can I cure it?" I asked
"The only way is to change all of your energon but that's basically a death wish. There's a 25/100% chance that you'll survive." He said and my spark sank.
"I'll take that chance"
"No you won't"
"Really? Then what? You die? Because
If this doesn't get fixed soon someone is going to die and I sure as heck don't want it to be you. Ratchet lets do this." I said to Alexis then looked at Ratchet and he nodded.
"Babe, Ironhide, dad" three names all at once.
"I love you babe, just remember I will always stand by you."
"I'll stand by you too dad Stay safe"
"I'all take care of you Ironhide" the three voices that went along with the titles. I nodded.
"I love you guys, so much, please never forget that." I said
"We won't. We all love you too." Alexis was crying, Maddie was shivering, the twins were sleeping and Ratchet was waiting. I nodded at him and he picked up a needle. He injected the purple liquid into my veins. I felt nauseous at first, then dizzy, then cold, then tired. I laid down and eventually started to fall asleep.
"Oh primus please get me through this one, I know I screwed up... a lot but please, I need to be there for Alexis, for Maddie, for the twins, for everyone. Please primus. Thank you, amen" after I whispered that to myself I was out cold.

(I have no idea what they say at the end of a prayer so I just said Amen lol)

Three chapters in BIF and one in TBIHB! Yay thank you to all of my lovelies who have helped me so far❤️ it's been an honor that I would love to continue if you let me!! Love you all❤️

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