chapter 24 honeymoon 2 cut short

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(Tell your heart to beat again; Danny Gokey)

Ironhides pov
We drove around for a while, not really doing anything much because Maddie was asleep again. I could hear static through my com link meaning Alexis was talking through it. I listened in because i was bored and what i heard made me slam on my breaks.
"Your a terrible mom, you know that, your daughter will die and you probably wont care, you suck at everything you ever do, you should have just killed yourself before you got all of this started."
"Shut your mouth starscream, my daughter and my husband ar ethe greatest things that have ever happened to me, i deserve this, i know i do." her voice cracked at the end.
"You wanna talk bad about my wife? Tell me what you have to say waiting" i growled through the comm link
"I-i dont know what to say! Im flattered that you joined our convo." Alexis had stopped too, people were honking. I stuck my middle finger out the window.
"Hide..." Alexis warned.
"No its fine, i just hope screamer is ready for whats about to hit him he wont even see me coming." i finished talking to Alexis but i knew starscream was listening.

We drove in silence after that but something was off with Alexis, i know its the thing that happend with starscream, i can feel it through our bond.
"Am i really that bad of a mom?" Alexis asked when we pulled up to a stop sign.
"No. Your the best mom any daughter would ever want." i said trying not to growl, im nog mad at her im mad at starscream for putting these thoughts into her head.
"Your right, im perfect the way i am, i dont need acceptance, i dont need to be depressed over something so stupid. All of my scars remind me that your here with me Hide, they remind me that there scars because since i met you they havent been cuts anymore. I love you." i smiled through the bond as she spoke, even though she is shattered and broken, she is pieceing herself back together quite quick.

Alexis's pov
I smiled to myself as i heard Maddisons cry, it reminded me that im actually her, im needed. I pulled over, got out, undid her buckle and picked her up rocking her back and forth. Hide pulled up next to me and his holoform got out rubbing maddies head he wrapped his arms around me and i smiled softly. I looked up, why is almost every happy moment ruined?! I ran away from the cars backing mine out with my mind, Hide doing the same thing just in time as a missle hit were we once were. I buckled maddie in the car then floored it out of there. I seen starscream flying low so i pushed myselc to go faster. It felt freeing. It was nice. I sped through the streets with ironhide on my tail. I have to get out of tbe city...i turned left...shute mountains, i did a u-turn only cybertronians could do, people were cheering me on and it made me want to go faster. I pushed the pedal all the way down trying to ignore Maddisons crying. I turned my spark signiture off as i flew down onto the freeway. Ironhide a split second behind. I Scanned a plain black Camero to try to hide even further. Ironhide just turned ofd his spark signiture. We floored it past people going slow and slowed down past people who were flying. I commed Hide.
"We gotta go home, he will find us...if he hurts maddison i will not hesitate to become a murderer!" i whispered growling.
"I understand, we can always do this again." i nodded through the bond and kept pushing past people. An explosion sounded to my right. I swerved. An explosion sounded to my left. I swerved. Cars dodged Ironhide and i as we pushed through the smoke trying to get out of civilization. He landed on the road standing on a car and i slammed on my breaks to avoid smashing into him. Hide did too and barley missex hitting me.
"If its a fight you want then its a fight you'll get starscream!" i growled transforming making sure Maddie was safe in my servos before handing her to hide who had transformed and was trying to get me to back down i set her in his servo when he wasn't looking and ran forward.
"Shadowrunner no!" He yelled using my cybertronian name. I ignored him and charged at starscream tackling him but towards the woods. He threw punch after punch to get me to get off of him but i wouldnt.
"Your weak femme, go take your daughter to saftey whild us men fight it out. Or would you like some toast? I can cook some nice baby, burnt or charcoal?" he asked refuring to Maddie. I slammed my servo into his face.
"You will not touch my child you filthy piece of junkyard scrap metal!" i growled out punching him repetitively in the face and chest.
"We---shall----see" he choked out between punches.
"Yes we will" i said using my ultra strength power to hit him as hard as i could and he was out. I walked up to Ironhide who had his own battle on his hands.
"That beast has a human baby in his hands, he will kill her!" people were screaming. I looked at Ironhide.
"Look its the one that saved us all!" they said cheering.
"Listen that human baby is mine," i transformed down.
"That beast is my husband," he transformed down too,
"And we are a happy family." i finished taking Maddison as soon as Hide walked over to me in human form.
"What you did was reckless and could have goten you killed!" ironhide shouted!
"So what, at least the humans are saved!" i shouted back. I seen and heard the humans talking about us.
"Who cares you almost died to same humans! We are not even from this planet," he said
"My mother lived as a human, my mother died as a human, im just as much a human as they are, yeah a few parts of me are cybertronian but OH WELL!" i argued back.
"Please dont argue. Your all safe, thats all that matter's." a little girl around three said.
"Yeah, you did the right thing, even if it was dangerous you still saved us all." another person stepped in.
"Yes, be happy, be happy, be happy," they all began to chant.
I looked at Ironhide and smiled.
"Im sorry, i love you and next time i will make sure your okay with me doing what i have been doing for years." i said laughing holding maddie in one arm and putting my other on a hip. He laughed too.

Hey guys so...guess who is going back to the hospital😭 anyway so i updated a lot today for that reason, im not sure when i will update again...i will try to get at least 2 more in but im not 100% sure❤❤ love you all thanks for your support!!

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