Chapter 5

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Alexis pov

As I was driving I started to slow down, realizing my steering wheel hurts, pain erupting through my whole car cab, I stopped the car putting my head to the wheel and my hands folded in my lap. Tears started falling and I sighed, the whole accident kept replaying in my head.


It was a warm day at base and we all wanted to go somewhere, maybe the beach. That would be fun, swimming with all the boys, having a great old time. Sire would love it too, (sire is father)  he hasn't smiled in eons! Give or take a few, but still. It would be a nice relief for him, we all transformed into our alt car modes and activated our human/ holoforms. We sped off towards the the beach, bumblebee is my best Friend so we decided to go in front and have a race. We stopped at a nearby stop sign and jazz honked his horn signaling us to go! I floored off leading infront of bumblebee, I heard bumblebee speed in front of me, but I heard another car floor past me and when I caught a glimpse of who it was I hit the gas as hard as I could and floored it to bumblebees side so the car couldn't hit him, the car sideswiped me pulling me back so the car could hit bumblebee but I sped up again, making bumblebee spin back, I heard him huff and shout into the comm link
"BACKUP" as I turned my review mirror to see even more of the purple and grey cars speeding towards us. I saw my dad behind them all and I turned my attention back to the rode and the deception infront of me, I saw a flash out of the corner of my eyes but I figure it was just bee coming next to me so I didn't look at it, bad idea though cause the next thing I know my whole alt mode is doing flips in the air, my whole side is smashed as I got t-boned I smashed into the ground harder than ever before, I transformed as I saw the deceptions transform and turn there hands into cannons, they were about to shoot at me but I side kicked one and it fell into the other and they all went down like dominos, my whole side is in so much pain and I saw a small flame erupt for my wheels as i transformed into my car and floored into three other decepticons knocking them down, I saw my dad and transformed, but when I stood up I fell right back down because my whole side is on fire so I rolled on the ground as my chest caught fire I screamed in pain as I felt my metal burning and I heard crackling and I rolled on the ground and stood up as the fire was extinguished and saw my dad being thrown to the ground with a sword in his stomach I screamed my scary battle cry and ran at Megatron the decepticon who was betting up my dad, he lifted up his sword to smash it through his spark and offline him, he saw me and turned his sword to stab me but I knew that trick all to much as I threw out my own sword and they clashed together, pain erupting through me with every move, metal on metal, that was the only sound I could hear until bucket head/ Megatron started talking.

"Weak little fleshling autobot, your as weak as your mother, no wonder why she's gone!" He said laughing, I growled.

"I'll rip you apart bolt by bolt, metal plate by plate, first I'll rip your left optic out," I said stabbing his optic (eye) and pulling it out, I almost threw up when I saw his green energon flowing down his face from the place his optic was before,

"Then I'll rip my sword through the right side of your face cutting out your other optic" I shouted slicing my sword through and ripping his other optic out. He screamed in pain then smashed his fist into my chassis causing my spark to stop beating for a second, but I kept fighting.

"Now I'm gonna stab you in all other places then rip your spark out since you can't see," I spat through the little breath I just gained back.

"Sense of hearing and feeling, smart one, I may not be able to see you but I can't still hear and feel you!" He growled throwing another punch in my direction but I easily dodged it punching him as hard as I can in the chassis, I heard grunting of my dad and all the other autobots fighting the other decepticons trying to get to me but there holding the autobots back, I see huge explosions, and here the voice I've missed for a long time but sadly stopped loving because I fell in love with someone else, ironhide... Shhhhh... No one knows! Tell him and I'll do what I'm doing to Megatron to you, he could never love me back, so it's better he doesn't know. I see the famous wreckers explosions become closer and closer until... Silence. It's all I heard. Silence. I looked at my chest and back at Megatron and turned around to see three decepticons, two hand there swords ready and one had there sword jammed into my chest, I stabbed all three not thinking about pulling the sword out as I pulled out both of my swords now and stabbed megatrons spark making it dim until I can't see a glow anymore, I fret the same thing is gonna happen with me. I looked up locking eyes with the autobots who were running towards me, I fell to my knees, my optics were slowly dimming, I saw my dad slide to his knees next to me, he was crying, wow, that's new. I fell backwards as my optics slowly went completely offline... I woke up three weeks later my dents, in my metal, bruises in my face scars all over my Body, casts on my hands, arms, legs, Ribs, and neck so like everywhere, I stayed laying down until I fell asleep again, I'm gonna need therapy and all of that but oh well as long as I'm still alive with my dad it will be okay

End of flashback

I kept replaying it, over, and over in my head. I kept crying, I heard a car then screeching brakes, great I looked out to see... Oh crap!

Cliffhanger!! Lol yay I finally got it done that was painful to write lol hope you enjoy it!

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