Chapter 38: birthday part 1

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(I decided to do a laid back chapter, hope you don't mind btw this chapter is set a few days earlier than the actual date)
Alexis's pov
I stared at Maddie for a second and turned my head back to Ratchet.
"It's knockout, Megatron, soundwave, starscream and barricade." He said and I growled lowly.
"I call knockout!" I laughed,
"I call no, your staying here!" I said and crossed my arms.
"But mom!" She whined.
"Alexis, the only way she will learn to fight is if she practices. I'm not siding with Maddie because I want her to stay here too but she does need to learn what it's like on the battlefield." I sighed.
"Fine but I swear to primus if I have to kill someone off of Maddie  or she gets hurt, your dying" I said pushing my finger in his chest. He picked it up and kissed it.
"I will protect her, now let's-" he paused and I finished it
"ROLL OUT!" And off we went.

We charged at them, I was facing Megatron with the star saber as he tried to fight me off. It ended in Megatron retreating before he could find the definite location of our base.

We all got back to base. Maddie was fine, actually she took after her dad and fought with guns and other weapons. I smiled and shook my head. I changed into my holoform and saw Cael. Her and I have become great friends since the day she came here. I nodded to her, my cowgirl hat dipping down to cover my eyes for a second. I jogged to optimus's room.
"Hey dad. Where are Cam and lynds?" I asked he waved and pointed to the two cribs in the corner. I picked them up and walked out. I walked to the main hanger. Ironhide took Cam and Maddie took Lyndsey.
"Thanks guys" I laughed and they shrugged. I turned to Cael, her face held excitement and I knew exactly why. Today is her birthday! Except I totally forgot about it.
"Hey Cael, why are you so excited?" I asked and she looked kind of shocked and hurt at the same time. I frowned.
"What's wrong?" I asked pretending to be forgetful.
"You don't remember?" She asked
"Remember what?"
"It's June 25th remember?"
"It's my birthday you dimwit!" She was upset.
"I'm playing I didn't forget. Here." I pulled a small wrapped up box from my back pocket. "Don't tell anyone I have my present to you early." She opened it and gasped. I smiled.

"Do you like it?" I asked"I love it" tears welled up in her eyes

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"Do you like it?" I asked
"I love it" tears welled up in her eyes.
"Don't worry the rest is coming later!" I smiled
"The rest?! Girl this right here is enough, no, having you as a friend is enough!" She said hugging me.
"Haha, happy birthday Cael." I said.

We walked out to the main hanger. Everyone was just chilling.
"Everyone!" I yelled.
"The birthday girl is here!!" I screamed and everyone cheered. Sideswipes holoform appeared next to her.
"Hey babe!" He said and she smiled.

Caels pov
"Hey puddin'!" I smiled at sideswipe. He hugged me tight and kissed my lips. He was soft and gentle but was hungry for love. I leaned back and pecked his lips before turning my head. "How has your birthday been?" Sideswipe asked me. I smiled up at him
"It's been awesome so far! Especially since your here!" I smirked. I heard a shocked gasp and I turned my head to see Alexis with her mouth open and her hand over her heart.
"That hurt" she said hurt. I laughed
"I'm sorry"
"Sorry doesn't cut it." She turned her head and started walking away
"Oh you know you love me, don't ruin my birthday!" I shouted "get your little butt back here!" She turned around,
"It's not that little, is it?" She asked looking down at her butt. I laughed.
"Not at all" Ironhide walked over saying as he slapped her butt. She giggled.
"Alright guys let's keep this pg." I said
"Oh shush" she said and we all laughed. Sideswipe rubbed my shoulders it felt so good. I leaned my head back on his chest. He rubbed down my sides then back to my shoulders.
"Let's keep it pg guys." Alexis mocked and I silently laughed at her. I looked up at sideswipe. He looked down at me then at my lips then my eyes and back to my lips. He would never push anything on me but I wanted his kiss. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a hallway. I looked up at him and licked my lips. He snapped and gently pushed me to the wall and kissed my lips, he ran his hand through my hair and then set it on the wall next to me, his other laid on my cheek as he kissed my lips eagerly. I played with his hair as his tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't accept at first but his hand ran down my side and I moaned and he took that as his chance. We made out for a little bit longer before we both pulled away.
"Oh primus I love you!" He growled (not angrily) staring in my eyes
"I love you too puddin" I smiled at him.
"Happy birthday" he smiled.
"thank you"
"Do you feel older?"
"Not with you, if anything you make me feel younger" I smiled up at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He grabbed my hand after fixing my hair.
"Let's get back to the others" I nodded and we walked hand in hand to the main hanger. When we got back it was dark. I looked at sides.
"SURPRISE!!!" I jumped in my spot startled as the lights turned on and everyone jumped out at me. I laughed as sides held me close and smiled down at me. I looked up at him.
"Go have some fun" he said and I nodded running over to Alexis.

Sideswipes pov
I watch Cael from a distance. She was beautiful to me inside and out. I smiled at the thought of her. I slid my hands in my pockets and my right hand touched something hard.I fingered the little black box that was in my pocket. The engagement ring.

Well there you guys go! Two chapters in one day!!! Love you all!!

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